QR Kodlarının Yapısı

QR kodu (Quick response code), 1994 yılında DENSO WAVE tarafından geliştirilen yüksek hızlı okuma yapabilen bir matris 2D kodudur. 1997 yılında AIMI’nin ITS standardına ve 2000 yılında ISO/IEC standartlarına göre tescil edilmiştir.

Ayrıca, Micro QR kodu 2004 yılında JIS-X-0510 olarak standartlaştırılmıştır.

2D kodlar hakkında öğrenmeniz gereken her şey bu kılavuzda!

Bu kılavuz QR kodu, Veri matrisi (DataMatrix) ve PDF417 gibi 2D kodların yapısının ve standartlarının anlaşılması için kolay bir anlatım sunar.

QR Kodlarının Özellikleri

QR kodunun en küçük elemanı (siyah veya beyaz kare) “modül” olarak adlandırılır. Bir QR kodu, siyah ve beyaz modüllerin, konum algılama modellerinin, zamanlama modellerinin, hata düzeltme seviyesi ve maske numaralarını içeren format bilgilerinin, veri alanının ve hata düzeltme kodunun bir kombinasyonundan oluşur.

(Reed-Solomon kodu).

Minimum boyut 21 x 21 modül
Maksimum boyut 177 x 177 modül
Maksimum veri kapasitesi Sayısal 7089 karakter
Alfa sayısal 4296 karakter
Kanji 1817 karakter

Konum algılama modelleri

Konum algılama modelleri, QR kodlarının üç köşesine yerleştirilmiştir. (Mikro QR’de bir tane vardır.) QR kodunun konumu, yüksek hızlı okumaya olanak tanıyan konum algılama modelleri sayesinde algılanır.
A, B ve C’nin herhangi bir konumundan, kodun dönüş açısını/yer değiştirmesini belirtebilmek için siyah ve beyaz modüllerin oranı 1:1:3:1:1’dir. Her yönden okunabildiği için iş verimliliğini önemli ölçüde artırır.

Hizalama modeli

Hizalama modeli, herhangi bir bozulma nedeniyle modüllerin yer değiştirmesi durumunda konum tespiti için kullanılır.
2. modele uygulanır

Kenar boşlukları

QR kodunu çevresindeki boşluklardır. Model 1 ve 2, dört modüllü bir marj (kenar boşluğu) gerektirirken Mikro QR kodu iki modül gerektirir.

Zamanlama modeli

Beyaz ve siyah modüller, koordinatı belirleyebilmek için sıralı bir şekilde, dönüşümlü olarak düzenlenir.

Format/Biçim bilgisi

Format bilgisi, kodun hata düzeltme oranını ve maske modelini içerir. Kod çözüldüğünde ilk olarak format bilgisi okunması gerçekleşir.

Hata düzeltme kodu (Reed-Solomon kodu)

Reed-Solomon kodu, Veri matrisi (DataMatrix) kodunun bir parçası hasar gördüğünde verileri onarır.

Hata düzeltme seviyesi Kodun tamamında zarar görmüş alan
L 7%
M 15%
Q 25%
H 30%

Hata düzeltme kodunun düzenlenmesi

Veri ve hata düzeltme kodu aşağıda gösterilen şekilde sıralanır. (Örnek: M seviyesinde Model 2 Sürüm 2) Konum algılama modeliyle aynı modelin görünmesini önlemek için koda bir maske uygulanır.

QR Kodlarının Özellikleri

Farklı özelliklere ve veri kapasitelerine sahip QR kodları; Model 1, Model 2 ve Mikro QR olarak sınıflandırılır.

“Sürüm”, bir QR kodunun boyutunu (modül sayısını) gösterir. Sürüm arttıkça daha fazla veri içerir. (Kodun gerçek boyutu da artar.)

Standart sürüm 21 x 21 modüldür (MicroQR 11 x 11 modüle sahiptir) ve sürüm arttıkça her iki tarafa 4 modül (MicroQR için 2 modül) eklenir.

Model 1

Model 2

Model 1, Model 2 ve Micro QR’nin prototipidir. 1’den 14’e kadar olan versiyonlar AIMI standardına kayıtlıdır
Model 2, pozisyon ayarının daha düzgün bir şekilde yapılabilmesi için bir tür hizalama paternine sahiptir. Ayrıca, Model 1’den daha fazla veri içerir. 1’den 40’a kadar olan sürümleri ise, AIMI standardına aittir. 40. sürümü, 7089’a kadar sayısal karakter içerebilir.

Maksimum veri kapasitesi
Sayısal 1167 karakter
Alfa sayısal 707 karakter
Çift (İkili) 468bayt
Kanji 299 karakter

Sürümün artması durumunda, koda hem X hem de Y yönünde 4 modül eklenir.

Maksimum veri kapasitesi
Sayısal 7089 karakter
Alfa sayısal 4296 karakter
Çift (İkili) 2953 bayt
Kanji 1817 karakter

Sürümün artması durumunda, koda hem X hem de Y yönünde 4 modül eklenir.

Mikro QR

Mikro QR’nin baskılı devre kartları gibi küçük bileşenlere basılabilmesi için boyutu küçültmek adına yalnızca bir konum algılama modeli içerir. Minimum modül sayısı 11 x 11’dir.

Mikro QR kodları, 35 veya daha az sayıda karakter kaldırabilen uygulamalar için doğrusal barkodlara yer kazandıran bir alternatiftir.

Maksimum veri kapasitesi
Sayısal 35 karakter
Alfa sayısal 21 karakter
Çift (İkili) 15 bayt
Kanji 19 karakter

Sürümün artması durumunda, koda hem X hem de Y yönünde 2 modül eklenir.

QR kod boyutu nasıl belirlenir?

QR kodunun boyutu, bir modülün sürümüne ve boyutuna göre belirlenir.

(1) Sürümü belirleyin

Veri içeriğine, karakter tipine ve hata düzeltme oranına göre bir sürüm seçin.

Maksimum giriş karakteri sayısı için aşağıya bakın.

(2) Modül boyutunu belirleyin

Yazıcının çözünürlüğünü ve tarayıcının performansını göz önünde bulundurarak modül boyutunu belirleyin.

(3) QR kodunun boyutu belirlenir

QR kodunun gerçek boyutu, modül sayısı ile yazdırılabilir modülün boyutu çarpılarak belirlenir. QR kodunun gerektirdiği alanı belirlemek için kenar boşlukları eklenir. Model 1 ve 2, 4 modül gerektirirken Mikro QR, her iki tarafta kenar boşluğu olarak 2 modül gerektirir.

Modül boyutu 0.25mm olduğu zaman ,

QR kodunun boyutları aşağıdaki gibidir:
Sürüm 1 için 5,25 x 5,25 mm (21 x 21)
Sürüm 4 için 8,25 x 8,25 mm (33 x 33)

Kenar boşlukları dahil gereken alanlar aşağıdaki gibidir:
Sürüm 1 için 7,25 x 7,25 mm (29 x 29)
1Sürüm 4 için 10,25 x 10,25 mm (41 x 41)

Her sürümün veri kapasitesi


Sürüm (Modül numarası) Sayısal Alfa sayısal Çift (İkili) Kanji
1(21) 41 34 27 17 25 20 16 10 17 14 11 7 10 8 7 4
2(25) 77 63 48 34 47 38 29 20 32 26 20 14 20 16 12 8
3(39) 127 101 77 58 77 61 47 35 53 42 32 24 32 26 20 15
4(33) 187 149 111 82 114 90 67 50 78 62 46 34 48 38 28 21
5(37) 255 202 144 106 154 122 87 64 106 84 60 44 65 52 37 27
6(41) 322 255 178 139 195 154 108 84 134 106 74 58 82 65 45 36
7(45) 370 293 207 154 224 178 125 93 154 122 86 64 95 75 53 39
8(49) 461 365 259 202 279 221 157 122 192 152 108 84 118 93 66 52
9(53) 552 432 312 235 335 262 189 143 230 180 108 130 141 111 80 60
10(57) 652 513 364 288 395 311 221 174 271 213 151 119 167 131 93 74
11(61) 772 604 427 331 468 366 259 200 321 251 177 137 198 155 109 85
12(65) 883 691 489 374 535 419 296 227 367 287 203 155 226 177 125 96
13(69) 1022 796 580 427 619 483 352 259 425 331 241 177 262 204 149 109
14(73) 1101 871 621 468 667 528 376 283 458 362 258 194 282 223 159 120
15(77) 1250 991 703 530 758 600 426 321 520 412 292 220 320 254 180 136
16(81) 1408 1082 775 602 854 656 470 365 586 450 322 250 361 277 198 154
17(85) 1548 1212 876 674 938 734 531 408 644 504 364 280 397 310 224 173
18(89) 1725 1346 946 746 1046 816 574 452 718 560 394 310 442 345 243 191
19(93) 1903 1500 1063 813 1153 909 644 493 792 624 442 338 488 384 272 208
20(97) 2061 1600 1159 919 1249 970 702 557 858 666 482 382 528 410 297 235
21(101) 2232 1708 1224 969 1352 1035 742 587 929 711 509 403 572 438 314 248
22(105) 2409 1872 1358 1056 1460 1134 823 640 1003 779 565 439 618 480 348 270

Mikro QR

Sürüm Hata düzeltme Sayısal Alfa sayısal Çift (İkili) Kanji
M1(11) Hata düzeltme 5
M2(13) L 10 6
M 7 5
M3(15) L 23 14 9 6
M 18 11 7 4
M4(17) L 35 21 15 9
M 30 18 13 8
Q 21 13 9 5

Yukarıda bulunan tablodaki her karakter sayısı, girilebilecek maksimum karakter sayısını gösterir.

Bununla birlikte, veriler yukarıdaki tabloda gösterilenlerden daha az karakter içerse bile, veri bileşenine bağlı olarak sürümün boyutu büyür (örneğin, rakamlar ve sembollerin kombinasyonu veya büyük ve küçük harflerin kombinasyonu).


2D Kodların Temelleri
Veri Matrisi (DataMatrix) Kodu Nedir?

Barkod / 2D Kod Doğrulaması
Barkod/İki Boyutlu Kod Doğrulama Nedir?


Webinar: Sensörler gelişen performanslarıyla büyülüyor

A sensor is placed above and below a target to measure the thickness of anything in-between. This non-contact method can be used for measuring the thickness of any material and can be used in process or for offline inspection.

Confocal Displacement Sensor
CL-3000 series

Opposing 2D profilers can scan multiple points of thickness over a part. This allows stable thickness measurement even on rough surfaces.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

With two thrubeam micrometers installed on either side of a film, we can get a width measurement and give film position, regardless of color or material.

High-speed optical micrometer
LS-9000 series

2D thrubeam sensors can measure the step height between a roller and a sheet to get a thickness measurement. Additionally, A second sensor can be added to get a width measurement.

Telecentric Measurement System
TM-X5000 series

Measure transparent films and coatings with a single displacement sensor. Confocal sensors give an accurate thickness measurement from one side of transparent targets.

Confocal Displacement Sensor
CL-3000 series

In-line thickness measurements can be altered by roller eccentricity, wrinkles, or tension in the sheet. Up to 6 measurement points and 4 layers of clear film can be measured with a single controller.

Confocal Displacement Sensor
CL-3000 series

2D Profilers give width, height, and volume of sealant beads inline without touching a part.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Conventionally, a vision sensor was used for OK/NG judgment based on the area. Since the LJ-X8000 Series can measure the volume and position of paste application, it can reduce material costs and support higher component densities.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

High-speed laser displacement sensors can check for valve float without touching the valve head.

Ultra High-Speed/High-Accuracy Laser Displacement Sensor
LK-G5000 series

High-speed laser displacement sensors can check for valve float without touching the valve head.

Ultra Confocal Displacement Sensor
CL-3000 series

2D laser displacement sensors can measure both width and height, allowing for panel gaps to be accurately measured, regardless of the surface finish or color.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Measure the position and projection of connector terminals simultaneously. Conventionally, two measurement steps were required using an image processing system and a contact sensor. The LJ-X8000 Series can perform both inspections simultaneously. This achieves cost reduction by reducing the amount of installed equipment.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Measure the flatness of the terminals of power modules. The target is detected by its surface and the flatness is measured based on the reference plane calculated with the least squares fitting method. The errors caused by the tilted positions of targets can be canceled, which ensures accurate inspection.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Inspect motor height after powder welding using the LJ-X8000 Series. The 3D laser profiler provides reliable 100% inspection with its high speed and measurement stability.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

2D Thrubeam sensors allow high-speed dimensional inspections to be taken on the silhouette of a part.

Telecentric Measurement System
TM-X5000 series

Check the tilt of the elements after bonding. The CL-3000 Series uses the multi-color confocal method that enables coaxial measurement. No matter whether the target surfaces are specular or rough, they can be measured in the same setting, which achieves easy and highly accurate inspection.

Ultra Confocal Displacement Sensor
CL-3000 series

Check step heights on machined parts without influence from oil or other surface contamination.

High-Accuracy Digital Contact Sensor
GT2 series

Thrubeam micrometers allow for high-speed measurement of wire OD without being affected by vibration.

High-speed optical micrometer
LS-9000 series

2D thrubeam sensors can measure hole diameter after stamping inline.

Telecentric Measurement System
TM-X5000 series

The Telecentric Measurement System uses 2D images of a target's silhouette to measure diameter. Target misalignment or tilt is automatically corrected for, making it simple to get accurate measurement without perfect fixturing.

Telecentric Measurement System
TM-X5000 series

Compressible or rough surfaces can be accurately measured using the 2D image generated by the Telecentric Measurement System. Implementing non-contact measurement eliminates error due to part deformation and any variation in diameter due to surface texture can be averaged over to stabilize results.

Telecentric Measurement System
TM-X5000 series

Compressible or rough surfaces can be accurately measured using the 2D image generated by the Telecentric Measurement System. Implementing non-contact measurement eliminates error due to part deformation and any variation in diameter due to surface texture can be averaged over to stabilize results.

Telecentric Measurement System
TM-X5000 series

Using 2D measurement systems makes it possible to measure the minimum and maximum diameter on a target from a single captured image. The TM-X Series works by capturing the silhouette of a target using a telecentric optical system, so it can accurately measure objects of any material (including clear vials).

Telecentric Measurement System
TM-X5000 series

With an exposure time of just 100 µs, the Telecentric Measurement System can capture clear images of targets moving at high speed. This makes it an ideal solution for accurately measuring diameter inline.

Telecentric Measurement System
TM-X5000 series

With small sensor heads and a mirror fixture, confocal sensors can give an accurate measurement of pipe ID.

Confocal Displacement Sensor
CL-3000 series

Check outer diameter on machined parts without influence from oil or other surface contamination.

High-Accuracy Digital Contact Sensor
GT2 series

Confocal sensors do not have the dead zones characteristic of triangulation sensors, and can therefore measure into smaller and deeper holes more reliably.

Confocal Displacement Sensor
CL-3000 series

Measure the height of the equipment when adhesive is applied to glass. Utilizing the multi-colour confocal method measurement principle enables high-precision measurement whether the glass is transparent or opaque.

Confocal Displacement Sensor
CL-3000 series

Using thrubeam sensors, roller position can be accurately measured at high line speeds.

High-speed optical micrometer
LS-9000 series

Robot teaching is used to ensure tools are set in the specified position. The 2D Telecentric Measurement System enables precise position feedback for end tools and other axial targets.

Telecentric Measurement System
TM-X5000 series

Angled mirrors can be used for measurement where installation space is limited. This setup enables position detection of tangent circle coordinates or intersection point coordinates as well as simultaneous shape and dimension verification for wafer notches.

Telecentric Measurement System
TM-X5000 series

Check for press fit failure with contact displacement sensors.

High-Accuracy Digital Contact Sensor
GT2 series

Target positioning is used to ensure the next process is performed accurately. Laser profilers provide stable position feedback anywhere in the measurement range, regardless of target material, color, or size.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

High-speed sensors can measure runout of brake discs, regardless of surface finish.

Confocal Displacement Sensor
CL-3000 series

Measure the extent of foil vibration just before the slit. Even if the target is tilted due to vibration, the good angle characteristics of the CL Series enable stable measurement.

Confocal Displacement Sensor
CL-3000 series

Ultra-compact ø8 mm heads make it possible to install multiple heads in narrow spaces. This reduces the amount of work spent designing equipment and the number of parts that need to be purchased to measure multiple points in close proximity.

Confocal Displacement Sensor
CL-3000 series

Measure many points on an engine with a multi-point laser system for accurate characterization of engine vibration. With ultra-highspeed sensors, even the smallest vibrations can be detected.

Ultra High-Speed/High-Accuracy Laser Displacement Sensor
LK-G5000 series

Measure the position and edge flutter of a belt with two 2D laser profile sensors for stable measurement.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Residual vibration measurement is used to determine how much a robot shakes after stopping. When working with a welding torch or other tool, the measurement location may not always have a flat surface. Using a 2D laser profiler enables accurate measurement on a wide range of surface shapes.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

High-speed thrubeam sensors can measure runout and ovality of rotors accurately and repeatably.

High-speed optical micrometer
LS-9000 series

Measure roller runout using confocal sensors for high stability on reflective surfaces.

Confocal Displacement Sensor
CL-3000 series

Measure fine details on touch panels regardless of surface finish with confocal sensors. With a beam spot of 3.5μm, even the smallest features can be measured.

Confocal Displacement Sensor
CL-3000 series

Profile tire treads and sidewalls with multiple 2D laser profilers.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Inspect for lamination misalignment after winding. With a minimum X-resolution of 2.5 μm 0.000098", the LJ-X8000 Series accurately measures the profile of each electrode.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Provide feedback about disconnected locations in electrodes before lamination. Accurately acquire the profile of electrode terminals to perform high-accuracy inspection of edge locations.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Measure the profile of a wafer edge. By selecting one of the inspection tools such as Height Difference/Width or Angle, users can start measurement easily. The high-resolution image capturing using 3200 points/profile achieves highly accurate profile measurement that was impossible with conventional methods.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Film curvature and wrinkling measurements are performed using a blue laser with a maximum width of 720 mm. Measurement is possible even for transparent targets thanks to the wide dynamic range of the CMOS sensor.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Measure the step height of features on a wafer after etching. With 3D interferometry, mirrored surfaces can be measured accurately.

3D Interference Measurement Sensor
WI-5000 series

Using 2D thrubeam sensors, medical balloons can be inspected inline at high-speed.

Telecentric Measurement System
TM-X5000 series

2D Profilers can measure width, height, and volume of sealant beads inline, regardless of surface finish or color.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Detect burrs arising on terminals after electrode slitting. With ultra-high-resolution 3200 points/profile measurement, the LJ-X8000 Series produces stable detection even for minute burrs.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Profile measurement can be continuously performed on captured 3D shapes. This allows pass/fail criteria to be applied to maximum and minimum values over an area or period of time, making it possible to catch small defects in continuous processes.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Free-form planes allow the system to pick up on deviations from the typical contour of a surface.This makes stable defect detection possible, even for targets with complex shapes.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Highly accurate measurements can be made even when measuring targets with height differences or where the distance from the target to the camera could vary.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Detect chipping or dents in laser welded beads using 3D laser profilers. The measurement is unaffected by color or gloss of the weld, making inspection results stable through glare or bead shape variation.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Targets with multiple materials can be captured in a single profile, allowing measurements to be made between glass and metal surfaces. The LJ-X Series is equipped to handle reflectances ten times higher than conventional products.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

For targets with different diameters, conventional vision systems often have a hard time focusing on the larger and smaller diameter areas at the same time. Measuring the height of the dents with a laser profiler makes it possible to inspect the whole surface at once.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

3D inspection allows users to accurately detect whether components are properly seated in the assembly or if elements are tilted. Using a KEYENCE 2D/3D laser profiler with a blue laser ensures stable measurement, even for targets with varying materials.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

The laser profiler's wide field of view makes it possible to inspect multiple targets traveling on a conveyor belt together. 3D position correction can be used to identify and inspect each cookie within the measurement range, enabling accurate sorting to improve quality and eliminate waste.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

2D Profilers can measure width, height, and volume of sealant beads inline, regardless of surface finish or color.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Detect burrs arising on terminals after electrode slitting. With ultra-high-resolution 3200 points/profile measurement, the LJ-X8000 Series produces stable detection even for minute burrs.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Profile measurement can be continuously performed on captured 3D shapes. This allows pass/fail criteria to be applied to maximum and minimum values over an area or period of time, making it possible to catch small defects in continuous processes.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Free-form planes allow the system to pick up on deviations from the typical contour of a surface.This makes stable defect detection possible, even for targets with complex shapes.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Highly accurate measurements can be made even when measuring targets with height differences or where the distance from the target to the camera could vary.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Detect chipping or dents in laser welded beads using 3D laser profilers. The measurement is unaffected by color or gloss of the weld, making inspection results stable through glare or bead shape variation.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Targets with multiple materials can be captured in a single profile, allowing measurements to be made between glass and metal surfaces. The LJ-X Series is equipped to handle reflectances ten times higher than conventional products.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

For targets with different diameters, conventional vision systems often have a hard time focusing on the larger and smaller diameter areas at the same time. Measuring the height of the dents with a laser profiler makes it possible to inspect the whole surface at once.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

3D inspection allows users to accurately detect whether components are properly seated in the assembly or if elements are tilted. Using a KEYENCE 2D/3D laser profiler with a blue laser ensures stable measurement, even for targets with varying materials.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Unlike triangulation sensors, interferometers can measure small parts in confined spaces without blind spots or unstable data.

3D Interference Measurement Sensor
WI-5000 series

Measure small part dimensions inline with pattern projection measurement heads. Projection from both sides reduces dead zones.

Inline 3D Inspection
3D Vision series

A displacement sensor with an extremely small beam spot of just 3.5 µm can be used for accurate profile measurements of roughness and subtle shapes. 3D shape measurements are also possible through detailed scanning synchronized with the X-Y stage. Measurements with impressive angle characteristics are possible not only for opaque targets but also transparent targets and 3D shapes with mirrored surfaces.

Confocal Displacement Sensor
CL-3000 series

Pattern Projection Landing Page Katalog

New Era CV-X Katalog Form