KEYENCE SK Elektrostatik Metre

KEYENCE SK Elektrostatik yük nesnelerin yüzeyinde bulunan elektrostatik yük değerinin ölçülmesine yarar. Elektrostatik yükün oluşmasını ve yalıtkan nesnelerde kalıcı olmasını sağlayan nem değerinin de eş zamanlı ölçümü gerçekleşir. Elektrostatik yük değeri ne kadar yüksek ise nesnelere ve bulunduğu ortama karşı bozucu etkiler yaratmaktadır. Elektrostatik hasar, yabancı madde yapışması, nesnelerin birbirine yapışmaması ve birbirinden ayrılmaması sonucu nesnelerin deforme olması ve statik yük nedeni ile kişilerde oluşabilecek stres ve çarpılmalar oluşur. Elektrostatik yükün nötr hale en kısa sürede getirilmesini sağlamak için statik elektrik temizleyiciler kullanılmalıdır.

  • Statik elektrik yük ölçümü (-50kV…+50kV)
  • Eşzamanlı nem ve sıcaklık ölçüm değeri
  • Doğru ölçüm yapabilmek için lazer pointer ve dönebilen sensör kafası
  • İyon izleme monitörü ve data depolama ile transfer fonksiyonu
  • El tipi ve sabit kullanım alternatifleri
  • Ölçüm sonuçlarının harici cihazlara alınabilmesi için haberleşme protokol destekleri
Uygulama Alanları
  • Statik yük değerinin ölçülmesi
  • Statik yük değerinin değişiminin izlenmesi
  • Statik yük değerlerinin kaydedilmesi
  • Statik yük ve nem değerinin eş zamanlı ölçülmesi


Teknik Özellikler




Charge potential measurement

Measurement mode

High precision mode, wide range mode

Reference distance

High precision mode


Wide range mode


Measured distance

High precision mode


Wide range mode


Measurement range

High precision mode

± 2kV * 1

Wide range mode

± 50kV * 1

Measurement accuracy

High precision mode

± 10V

Wide range mode

± 100V * 2 * 3

Sampling cycle

About 1.4ms

Temperature measurement

Measurement range

0 to + 50 ° C

Measurement accuracy

± 1 ℃ * 4

Display minimum unit

0.1 ℃

Sampling cycle


Humidity measurement

Measurement range

10-85% RH

Measurement accuracy

± 5% RH * 4

Display minimum unit

0.1% RH

Sampling cycle


monitor function

Ion balance
measurement mode

Ion balance measurement range

± 1kV * 5

Measurement accuracy

± 10V * 5 * 6

Minimum unit of measured voltage display

1V * 5

Environmental resistance

Operating ambient temperature

0 to + 50 ° C (no freezing or condensation)

Operating ambient humidity

10-85% RH (no condensation)


Body case: PC, metal part: SUS, cable: PVC


About 35 g

* 1 Even within the measurement range, if the distance to the detection target is closer than the reference distance, measurement cannot be performed up to the upper limit of the measurement range.
* 2 When ± 100V or less in high-precision mode and ± 1kV or less in wide-range mode. Other ranges are ± 10% (display value). This is the value when measured with an average of 256 times.
* 3 The range that satisfies the measurement accuracy is ± 30 kV.
* 4 At 25 ° C and 50% RH
* 5 OP-87934 is required.
* 6 When ± 100V or less. Other ranges are ± 10% (display value).




DIN rail mounting

Master unit / slave unit

Master unit


Display minimum unit


Display range

± 99.999kV to 99kV (4 levels can be selected)

Analog voltage output

± 5V, 1-5V, 0-5V, output impedance 100Ω * 1

Analog current output

4-20mA, maximum load resistance 350Ω * 1

Control input

Zero shift input

No voltage input * 2

Timing input

Reset input

Bank input

Control output

Judgment output

Open collector output (NPN, PNP switchable, NO / NC switchable) * 3

Alarm output

Open collector output (NPN, PNP switchable / NC) * 3

Power supply

Power-supply voltage

DC10-30V, including Ripple (PP) 10% * 4

power consumption

1650mW or less (55mA or less at 30V) (excluding load current of each output) * 5

Environmental resistance

Operating ambient temperature

0 to + 50 ° C (no freezing or condensation)

Operating ambient humidity

10-85% RH (no condensation)


Body case / front cover: PC, key top: POM, cable: PVC


Approximately 150 g (including accessories)

* 1 Select and use any of ± 5V, 1-5V, 0-5V, and 4-20mA.
* 2 Use any input assigned to 4 external input lines. The non-voltage input rating is ON voltage 2V or less and OFF current 0.02mA or less. The voltage input rating is a maximum input rating of 30V or less, an ON voltage of 7.5V or more, and an OFF current of 0.05mA or less.
* 3 NPN open collector output rating is up to 50mA / ch (20mA / ch when adding a slave unit) 30V or less Residual voltage 1V or less (1.5V or less when adding 6 or more units including the master unit) PNP open collector output rating , Maximum 50mA / ch (20mA / ch when adding a slave unit) Power supply voltage or less Residual voltage 2V or less (2.5V or less when adding 6 or more units including the master unit)
* 4 When adding 6 or more units including the master unit Use with a power supply voltage of 20-30V.
* 5 When 8 units + DL are connected, the maximum is 11.3W.



Charge potential measurement

Measurement mode

High precision mode, wide range mode

Measured distance

High precision mode


Wide range mode


Measurement range

High precision mode

± 2kV

Wide range mode

± 50kV

Measurement accuracy

High precision mode

± 10V * 1

Wide range mode

± 100V * 1 * 2

Display minimum unit

0 to 999V: 1V, 1.00 to 9.99kV: 0.01kV, 10.0kV to: 0.1 kV

Sampling cycle

About 1.4ms

Temperature measurement

Measurement range

0 to + 40 ° C

Measurement accuracy

± 1 ℃ * 3

Display minimum unit

0.1 ℃

Sampling cycle


Humidity measurement

Measurement range

10-85% RH

Measurement accuracy

± 5% RH * 3

Display minimum unit

1% RH

Sampling cycle


monitor function

Ion balance
measurement mode

Ion balance measurement range

± 1kV * 4

Measurement accuracy

± 10V * 4 * 5

Minimum unit of measured voltage display

1V * 4

Static elimination time
measurement mode

Charge voltage

± 1400V * 4

Minimum unit for static elimination time display

0.1s * 4

Measurement time

0-99s * 4

Laser class

Class 1 laser products (IEC60825-1: 2014 FDA (CDRH) Part1040.10 * 6 )

PC interface

USB 2.0 full speed

Power supply

2 AA alkaline batteries

Power supply

Operating time

8 hours (in charge potential measurement mode)

Environmental resistance

Operating ambient temperature

0 to + 40 ° C (no freezing or condensation)

Operating ambient humidity

10-85% RH (no condensation) * 7




SK-H050: Approximately 240 g, SK-H055: Approximately 220 g

* 1 When ± 100V or less in high-precision mode and ± 1kV or less in wide-range mode. Other ranges are ± 10% (display value). This is the value when measured with a response time of 0.8s.
* 2 The range that satisfies the measurement accuracy is ± 30 kV.
* 3 At 25 ° C and 50% RH
* 4 SK-H055 is required.
* 5 When ± 100V or less. Other ranges are ± 10% (display value).
* 6 Classification is carried out according to the standards of IEC60825-1 in accordance with the provisions of Laser Notice No. 50 of FDA (CDRH).
* 7 When using SK-H055, 10 to 60% RH

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