KEYENCE LJ-V 7000 2D Lazer Profil Sensörleri

KEYENCE LJ-V 7000 Her tür ve şekildeki ürünün ölçümünü gerçekleştirebilen yüksek hızlı lazer profil sensörü

  • Saniyede 64.000 profil ile dünyanın en hızlısı,  12.800.000 nokta/sn örnekleme
  • Mavi lazer optik sistem
  • 74 farklı ölçüm modu
  • Maks. 64kHz hızda sürekli profil veri çıkışı
  • Kolay 3D görüntüleme modu

2D Ölçüm ve Algılama Çözümleri

Terminal Yükseklik Ölçümü

Genişlik ve Pozisyon Kontrolü

Montaj Kontrol

Düzlemsellik Kontrolü

Profil Ölçümü

Vuruk/Çizik Kontrolü


Kullanıcı için kolay konfigürasyon

Ayarlar yalnızca 3 adımda gerçekleştirilebilir. Bu hem tecrübeli kullanıcılar hem de yeni başlayanlar için kolay yapılandırma sağlar.

LJ-V7000 serisi dünyanın ilk mavi lazerli 2D lazer deplasman sensörüdür. 2D Ernostar lens için maksimum limit olan 405 nm dalgaboyu kısa mesafeli lazeri odaklayarak, ışık alma elemanı üzerinde keskin bir ışın demeti oluşturur.  Bu sayede tutarlı ve yüksek hassasiyetli bir profil oluşturur. Ayrıca, lazerin alınan ışık yoğunluğu güvenlik için arttırılmıştır. Böylece, algılanması zor hedeflerde tutarlı ve doğru ölçüm yapılabilir.


Ölçüm prensibi

Lazer ışığı silindirik lens tarafından yatay olarak yöneltilir ve hedef üzerinde dağılarak yansır. Bu yansıyan ışık HSE3-CMOS’da biçimlendirilir, pozisyon ve şekildeki değişiklikler algılanarak, deplasman ve şekillerin ölçümü gerçekleşir.

1) Silindirik lens
2) Yarı iletken lazerler
3) GP64 işlemci
4) 2D Ernoster lens
Geleneksel cihazlardan 240 kat daha hızlı

64.000 profil/sn. örnekleme 12.800.000 nokta/sn.


LJ-V-7000 serisi dünyanın en hızlı örnekleme hızına sahiptir. 2D lazer ölçüm pazarındaki diğer cihazlar bu hızın yanına bile yaklaşamazlar. Bir üretim hattında ilerleyen ürünlerin şekillerini ultra yüksek hızda, yüksek çözünürlükte ve ürün atlamadan ölçebilie. Örneğin; 6,4 m/s ve 0.1 mm aralıkta hareket eden hedefleri ölçebilir. LJ-V7000 serisi, normal olmayan ya da hatalı olan alanların geçişine izin vermez.


Geleneksel cihazlardan 64 kat geniş dinamik aralık

Yüksek yanıtlama kapasitesi ve algılama tutarlılığı


Normal şartlar altında algılama tutarlılığı hız ile ters orantılıdır. LJ-V7000 serisi ise hem hız hem de tutarlılık açısından gelişmiştir. Siyah yüzeylerde ya da düşük yansımalı metal yüzeylerin aynı optik eksende bir arada bulunduğu durumlarda bile şekiller doğru ölçülür.

Ultra yüksek hız ve yüksek tutarlılığa sahip gelişmiş teknoloji

LJ-V7000 Serisi yeni geliştirilen HSE3-CMOS sensöre sahiptir. Arttırılmış hıza ek olarak, geleneksel E3-CMOS’a göre dinamik aralık güçlendirilmiştir. 64 kHz’lik (15,6 µs) son derece kısa pozlama süresi ile siyah zeminlerden (düşük yansıma) cilalı yüzeylere (yüksek yansıma) kadar çok sayıda farklı yüzeyde doğru ölçüm yapılabilmesi mümkün olmaktadır.


GP64 - İşlemci-64kHz ultra yüksek hızlı ölçüm

Yeni tasarladığımız mikroçip ultra yüksek hızlı işlem sağlamakla birlikte, CMOS görüntü verisini okuyabilmekte, yüksek çözünürlüklü alt piksel işleme, yüksek hassasiyetli linearizasyon ve veri çıkışı gibi işlemleri gerçekleştirebilmektedir. Bu da, yüksek hızda hareket eden nesnelerin ölçümüne imkan sağlar. 

Geleneksel modeller 6,4 m/s hızla hareket eden 24,3 mm eğimli hedefleri ölçemiyordu. LJ-V 6,4 m/s hızla hareket eden 0,1 mm eğimli hedeflerin profillerini ölçebilir.
Tek bir cihaz ile her türlü ölçüm yapılabilir.


74 Farklı Ölçüm Modu

13 ölçüm detayı ve 7 ölçüm hedefi özelliği ile bu cihaz toplamda 74 farklı ölçüm yapabilir. Tek bir cihaz çok geniş bir ölçüm yelpazesi sunarak, tek bir atış bile kaçırmadan müşteri taleplerine cevap verir.


Teknik Özellikler


LJ-V7020 * 1

Installation condition

Diffuse reflection

Reference distance


Measurement range

Z axis (height)

± 2.6mm (FS = 5.2mm)

X axis (width)

NEAR side


Reference distance


FAR side


light source


Blue semiconductor laser


405nm (visible light)

Laser class

Class 2 M laser product * 2
(IEC60825-1, FDA (CDRH) Part 1040.10 * 3 )



Spot shape (reference distance)

Approximately 14 mm x 35 µm

Repeat accuracy

Z axis (height)

0.2µm * 4 * 5

X-axis (width)

2.5µm * 4 * 6


Z axis (height)

± 0.1% of FS * 7

Profile data interval

X-axis (width)


Sampling cycle (trigger interval)

Fastest 16µs (high-speed mode), fastest 32µs (high-performance mode) * 8

Temperature characteristics

0.01% of FS / ℃

Environmental resistance

Protective structure

IP67 (IEC60529) * 9

Ambient illuminance used

Incandescent lamp: 10,000 lux or less * 10

Operating ambient temperature

0 to + 45 ℃ * 11

Operating ambient humidity

20-85% RH (no condensation)

Vibration resistant

10-57 Hz, double amplitude 1.5 mm, X, Y, Z 3 hours in each direction

Impact resistance

15 G / 6 ms




About 410 g

* 1 W polarization function cannot be used.
* 2 Do not look directly at the beam using an optical instrument (for example, a loupe, magnifying glass, microscope, telescope, binoculars, etc.). Observing the laser output with an optical instrument can be dangerous to the eyes.
* 3 Classification is carried out according to IEC60825-1 according to Laser Notice No.50 of FDA (CDRH).
* 4 Value measured at an average of 4096 times at the reference distance.
* 5 The measurement target is our standard target. The value when the average height of the initial setting area is measured in the height mode. Others are default settings.
* 6 The object to be measured is a pin gauge. The value when the intersection position between the pin gauge R surface and the edge level is measured in the position mode. Others are default settings.
* 7 The measurement target is our standard target. Profile data when measured with smoothing 64 times and averaging 8 times. Others are default settings.
* 8 In high-speed mode, when the measurement range is minimum, binning is ON, imaging mode is standard, and parallel imaging is ON. Others are default settings. In the high-performance mode, when the measurement range is the minimum, binning is ON, and the imaging mode is standard. Others are default settings.
* 9 Value when a head cable (CB-B *) or extension cable (CB-B * E) is connected.
* 10 Illuminance on the light receiving surface of the sensor head when light is applied to the blank paper when measuring blank paper.
* 11 The head must be attached to a metal plate for use.



Installation condition

Diffuse reflection

Reference distance


Measurement range

Z axis (height)

± 8mm (FS = 16mm)

X axis (width)

NEAR side


Reference distance


FAR side

light source


Blue semiconductor laser


405nm (visible light)

Laser class

Class 2 M laser product * 1
(IEC60825-1, FDA (CDRH) Part 1040.10 * 2 )



Spot shape (reference distance)

Approximately 21 mm x 45 µm

Repeat accuracy

Z axis (height)

0.4µm * 3 * 4

X-axis (width)

5µm * 3 * 5


Z axis (height)

± 0.1% of FS * 6

Profile data interval

X-axis (width)


Sampling cycle (trigger interval)

Fastest 16µs (high-speed mode), fastest 32µs (high-performance mode) * 7

Temperature characteristics

0.01% of FS / ℃

Environmental resistance

Protective structure

IP67 (IEC60529) * 8

Ambient illuminance used

Incandescent lamp: 10,000 lux or less * 9

Operating ambient temperature

0 to +45 ℃ * 10

Operating ambient humidity

20-85% RH (no condensation)

Vibration resistant

10-57 Hz, double amplitude 1.5 mm, X, Y, Z 3 hours in each direction

Impact resistance

15 G / 6 ms




About 450 g

* 1 Do not look directly at the beam using an optical instrument (for example, a loupe, magnifying glass, microscope, telescope, binoculars, etc.). Observing the laser output with an optical instrument can be dangerous to the eyes.
* 2 Classification is carried out according to IEC60825-1 according to Laser Notice No.50 of FDA (CDRH).
* 3 Value when measured at an average of 4096 times at the reference distance.
* 4 The measurement target is our standard target. The value when the average height of the initial setting area is measured in the height mode. Others are default settings.
* 5 The object to be measured is a pin gauge. The value when the intersection position between the pin gauge R surface and the edge level is measured in the position mode. Others are default settings.
* 6 The measurement target is our standard target. Profile data when measured with smoothing 64 times and averaging 8 times. Others are default settings.
* 7 In high-speed mode, when the measurement range is minimum, binning is ON, imaging mode is standard, and parallel imaging is ON. Others are default settings. In the high-performance mode, when the measurement range is the minimum, binning is ON, and the imaging mode is standard. Others are default settings.
* 8 Value when a head cable (CB-B *) or extension cable (CB-B * E) is connected.
* 9 Illuminance on the light receiving surface of the sensor head when light is applied to the blank paper when measuring blank paper.
* 10 The head must be attached to a metal plate for use.



Installation condition

Specular reflection

Reference distance


Measurement range

Z axis (height)

± 7.6mm (FS = 15.2mm)

X axis (width)

NEAR side


Reference distance


FAR side


light source


Blue semiconductor laser


405nm (visible light)

Laser class

Class 2 laser products
(IEC60825-1, FDA (CDRH) Part 1040.10 * 1 )



Spot shape (reference distance)

Approximately 21 mm x 45 µm

Repeat accuracy

Z axis (height)

0.4µm * 2 * 3

X-axis (width)

5µm * 2 * 4


Z axis (height)

± 0.1% of FS * 5

Profile data interval

X-axis (width)


Sampling cycle (trigger interval)

Fastest 16µs (high-speed mode), fastest 32µs (high-performance mode) * 6

Temperature characteristics

0.01% of FS / ℃

Environmental resistance

Protective structure

IP67 (IEC60529) * 7

Ambient illuminance used

Incandescent lamp: 10,000 lux or less * 8

Operating ambient temperature

0 to + 45 ℃ * 9

Operating ambient humidity

20-85% RH (no condensation)

Vibration resistant

10-57 Hz, double amplitude 1.5 mm, X, Y, Z 3 hours in each direction

Impact resistance

15 G / 6 ms




About 450 g

* 1 Classification is carried out according to IEC60825-1 according to Laser Notice No.50 of FDA (CDRH).
* 2 Value when measured at an average of 4096 times at the reference distance.
* 3 The measurement target is our standard target. The value when the average height of the initial setting area is measured in the height mode. Others are default settings.
* 4 The object to be measured is a pin gauge. The value when the intersection position between the pin gauge R surface and the edge level is measured in the position mode. Others are default settings.
* 5 The measurement target is our standard target. Profile data when measured with smoothing 64 times and averaging 8 times. Others are default settings.
* 6 In high-speed mode, when the measurement range is minimum, binning is ON, imaging mode is standard, and parallel imaging is ON. Others are default settings. In the high-performance mode, when the measurement range is the minimum, binning is ON, and the imaging mode is standard. Others are default settings.
* 7 Value when a head cable (CB-B *) or extension cable (CB-B * E) is connected.
* 8 Illuminance on the light receiving surface of the sensor head when light is applied to the blank paper when measuring blank paper.
* 9 The head must be attached to a metal plate for use.



Installation condition

Diffuse reflection

Reference distance


Measurement range

Z axis (height)

± 23mm (FS = 46mm)

X axis (width)

NEAR side


Reference distance


FAR side


light source


Blue semiconductor laser


405nm (visible light)

Laser class

Class 2 laser products
(IEC60825-1, FDA (CDRH) Part 1040.10 * 1 )



Spot shape (reference distance)

Approximately 48 mm x 48 µm

Repeat accuracy

Z axis (height)

0.5µm * 2 * 3

X-axis (width)

10µm * 2 * 4


Z axis (height)

± 0.1% of FS * 5

Profile data interval

X-axis (width)


Sampling cycle (trigger interval)

Fastest 16µs (high-speed mode), fastest 32µs (high-performance mode) * 6

Temperature characteristics

0.01% of FS / ℃

Environmental resistance

Protective structure

IP67 (IEC60529) * 7

Ambient illuminance used

Incandescent lamp: 10,000 lux or less * 8

Operating ambient temperature

0 to + 45 ℃ * 9

Operating ambient humidity

20-85% RH (no condensation)

Vibration resistant

10-57 Hz, double amplitude 1.5 mm, X, Y, Z 3 hours in each direction

Impact resistance

15 G / 6 ms




About 400 g

* 1 Classification is carried out according to IEC60825-1 according to Laser Notice No.50 of FDA (CDRH).
* 2 Value when measured at an average of 4096 times at the reference distance.
* 3 The measurement target is our standard target. The value when the average height of the initial setting area is measured in the height mode. Others are default settings.
* 4 The object to be measured is a pin gauge. The value when the intersection position between the pin gauge R surface and the edge level is measured in the position mode. Others are default settings.
* 5 The measurement target is our standard target. Profile data when measured with smoothing 64 times and averaging 8 times. Others are default settings.
* 6 In high-speed mode, when the measurement range is minimum, binning is ON, imaging mode is standard, and parallel imaging is ON. Others are default settings. In the high-performance mode, when the measurement range is the minimum, binning is ON, and the imaging mode is standard. Others are default settings.
* 7 Value when a head cable (CB-B *) or extension cable (CB-B * E) is connected.
* 8 Illuminance on the light receiving surface of the sensor head when light is applied to the blank paper when measuring blank paper.
* 9 The head must be attached to a metal plate for use.



Installation condition

Diffuse reflection

Reference distance


Measurement range

Z axis (height)

± 48mm (FS = 96mm)

X axis (width)

NEAR side


Reference distance


FAR side


light source


Blue semiconductor laser


405nm (visible light)

Laser class

Class 2 laser products
(IEC60825-1, FDA (CDRH) Part 1040.10 * 1 )



Spot shape (reference distance)

Approximately 90 mm x 85 µm

Repeat accuracy

Z axis (height)

1µm * 2 * 3

X-axis (width)

20µm * 2 * 4


Z axis (height)

± 0.1% of FS * 5

Profile data interval

X-axis (width)


Sampling cycle (trigger interval)

Fastest 16µs (high-speed mode), fastest 32µs (high-performance mode) * 6

Temperature characteristics

0.01% of FS / ℃

Environmental resistance

Protective structure

IP67 (IEC60529) * 7

Ambient illuminance used

Incandescent lamp: 10,000 lux or less * 8

Operating ambient temperature

0 to + 45 ℃ * 9

Operating ambient humidity

20-85% RH (no condensation)

Vibration resistant

10-57 Hz, double amplitude 1.5 mm, X, Y, Z 3 hours in each direction

Impact resistance

15 G / 6 ms




About 550 g

* 1 Classification is carried out according to IEC60825-1 according to Laser Notice No.50 of FDA (CDRH).
* 2 Value when measured at an average of 4096 times at the reference distance.
* 3 The measurement target is our standard target. The value when the average height of the initial setting area is measured in the height mode. Others are default settings.
* 4 The object to be measured is a pin gauge. The value when the intersection position between the pin gauge R surface and the edge level is measured in the position mode. Others are default settings.
* 5 The measurement target is our standard target. Profile data when measured with smoothing 64 times and averaging 8 times. Others are default settings.
* 6 In high-speed mode, when the measurement range is minimum, binning is ON, imaging mode is standard, and parallel imaging is ON. Others are default settings. In the high-performance mode, when the measurement range is the minimum, binning is ON, and the imaging mode is standard. Others are default settings.
* 7 Value when a head cable (CB-B *) or extension cable (CB-B * E) is connected.
* 8 Illuminance on the light receiving surface of the sensor head when light is applied to the blank paper when measuring blank paper.
* 9 The head must be attached to a metal plate for use.

Model LJ-V7300
Installation condition Diffuse reflection
Reference distance 300mm
Measurement range Z axis (height) ± 145mm (FS = 290mm)
X axis (width) NEAR side 110mm
Reference distance 180mm
FAR side 240mm
light source type Blue semiconductor laser
wavelength 405nm (visible light)
Laser class Class 2 laser products
(IEC60825-1, FDA (CDRH) Part 1040.10 * 1 )
output 4.8mW
Spot shape (reference distance) Approximately 240 mm x 610 µm
Repeat accuracy Z axis (height) 5µm * 2 * 3
X-axis (width) 60µm * 2 * 4
Straightness Z axis (height) ± 0.05 to ± 0.15% of FS * 5 * 6
Profile data interval X-axis (width) 300µm
Sampling cycle (trigger interval) Fastest 16µs (high-speed mode), fastest 32µs (high-performance mode) * 7
Temperature characteristics 0.01% of FS / ℃
Environmental resistance Protective structure IP67 (IEC60529) * 8
Ambient illuminance used Incandescent lamp: 10,000 lux or less * 9
Operating ambient temperature 0 to +45 ℃ * 10
Operating ambient humidity 20-85% RH (no condensation)
Vibration resistant 10-57 Hz, double amplitude 1.5 mm, X, Y, Z 3 hours in each direction
Impact resistance 15 G / 6 ms
Material Aluminum
mass About 1,000 g
* 1 Classification is carried out according to IEC60825-1 according to Laser Notice No.50 of FDA (CDRH).
* 2 Value when measured at an average of 4096 times at the reference distance.
* 3 The measurement target is our standard target. The value when the average height of the initial setting area is measured in the height mode. Others are default settings.
* 4 The object to be measured is a pin gauge. The value when the intersection position between the pin gauge R surface and the edge level is measured in the position mode. Others are default settings.
* 5 Linearity varies depending on the measurement area.
* 6 The measurement target is our standard target. Profile data when measured with smoothing 64 times and averaging 8 times. Others are default settings.
* 7 In high-speed mode, when the measurement range is minimum, binning is ON, imaging mode is standard, and parallel imaging is ON. Others are default settings. In the high-performance mode, when the measurement range is the minimum, binning is ON, and the imaging mode is standard. Others are default settings.
* 8 Value when a head cable (CB-B *) or extension cable (CB-B * E) is connected.
* 9 Illuminance on the light receiving surface of the sensor head when light is applied to the blank paper when measuring blank paper.
* 10 The head must be attached to a metal plate for use.



Number of connectable sensors

Max. 2 units


displayable unit

0.1 µm, 0.00001 mm2, 0.01°

Maximum display range

±9999.99 mm 393.7″, ±9999.99 mm2

Input terminal block

Laser remote interlock input

No-voltage input*1

terminal block

Encoder input

NPN open collector output/PNP open collector output (5V / 12V / 24V) line driver output

Input terminal block

Trigger input

Voltage input*2

Timing 1,2 input

Auto-zero 1,2 input

terminal block

Reset 1, 2 input

Input terminal

Start measurement/stop input

Start storage/stop input

Clear memory input

Laser OFF input

Program switch input

Voltage input x 4 inputs*2

Output terminal block

Analog voltage output

±10 V x 2 outputs, Output impedance: 100 Ω

terminal block

OUT comparator output

PNP open collector output x 12 outputs*3
(Can freely assign 16 OUTs x 3 stage judgment results)

Strobe output

PNP open collector output*3

Disable trigger output

Memory FULL output

Ready output

Output terminal block

Error output

PNP open collector output (N.C.)*3

PC interface




USB 2.0 high speed compliant (USB 1.1 Full-SPEED compatible)*4


Measurement data output and control I/O (Can select a baud rate of up to 115,200 bits/s)


Power voltage

24 VDC ±10 %, including Ripple (P-P)

Current consumption

1.3 A or less when connected to 1 head
1.9 A or less when connected to 2 heads

Environmental resistance

Ambient temperature

0 to +50 °C 32 to 122 °F

Relative humidity

20 to 85 % RH (No condensation)


Approx. 1,500 g

*1 The rating for non-voltage input is up to 1 V for ON voltage and up to 0.6 mA for OFF current
*2 The rating for voltage input is a maximum input voltage of 26.4 V, a minimum ON voltage of 10.8 V, and up to 0.6 mA for OFF current
*3 The rating for PNP open-collector output is up to 50 mA (30 V or less), residual voltage of up to 1 V
*4 DLL and LabVIEW programs are available. Contact your local sales office for details.



Webinar: Yapay Zeka ile Desteklenen, Poke-Yoke Uygulamaları İzleme Formu

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