KEYENCE IL Temassız CMOS Lazer Sensörler

KEYENCE IL CMOS algılama teknolojisine sahip mesafe ölçüm sensörleri ile mesafe, kalınlık ve konum ölçümlerinin kararlılıkla yapılmasını sağlar. Nesnelerin yüzeyinden geri yansıyan ışık sensör tarafından hesaplanarak hızlı ve güvenilir şekilde ölçümler yapılır. Koyu renkli hedeflerin düşük ışık geri yansıtması ve parlak nesnelerin yüksek ışık geri yansıtması gibi etkenlerden etkilenmeden ölçümler yapılmasının yanında açılı konumlandırma ve zorlu ortam koşullarından etkilenmeden de kararlı algılamaların yapılmasını sağlar.

  • Kısa ve uzun mesafelerde ölçümler için farklı sensör alternatifleri.
  • Maksimum 3,5m mesafeye kadar kullanım
  • Yüksek lineerlik (3µ) ve tekrarlanabilirlikte (1µ) ölçümler
  • Yüksek dinamik range sayesinde metal, ahşap, seramik, plastik gibi nesnelerde hatasız ölçümler
  • Yansıyan ışık şiddetinin geri bildirim ile kontrol edilebilmesi sayesinde mat ve parlak nesnelerde güvenilir ölçümler
  • IP67 korumu sınıfı sayesinde zorlu koşullarda kullanım
  • Çoklu kullanım için ekleme ve çıkarma gibi temel matematiksel işlemlerin otomatik yapılabilmesi
  • Ölçüm sonuçlarının harici cihazlara alınabilmesi için haberleşme protokol destekleri
Uygulama Alanları
  • Pozisyon doğrulama
  • Kalınlık, genişlik ölçümü 
  • Yükseklik, mesafe kontrolü 
  • Yükseklik farklı algılama & saydırma
  • Strok, vibrasyon ölçümü 
  • Şekil, form kontrolü 


Teknik Özellikler




Reference distance


Measured distance

20-45 mm

light source


Red semiconductor laser Wavelength: 655nm (visible light)

Laser class

Class 1 Laser Products (FDA (CDRH) Part1040.10 * 1 , IEC 60825-1)


220 µW

Spot diameter (at reference distance)

Approximately 200 x 750 µm


± 0.1% of FS (when used at 25-35 mm) * 2 * 3

Repeat accuracy

1µm * 4

Sampling cycle

0.33 / 1/2 / 5ms (4 steps variable)

Operation indicator

Laser flood warning light: green LED, analog range indicator light: orange LED, reference distance indicator light: red / green LED

Temperature characteristics

0.05% of FS / ℃ * 3

Environmental resistance

Protective structure


Pollution degree


Ambient illuminance used

Incandescent lamp: 5,000 lux * 5

Operating ambient temperature

-10 to + 50 ° C (no condensation or freezing)

Operating ambient humidity

35-85% RH (no condensation)

Vibration resistant

10-55 Hz, double amplitude 1.5 mm, X, Y, Z 2 hours in each direction


Body case: PBT, metal part: SUS304, packing: NBR, lens cover: glass, cable: PVC


About 60 g

* 1 In accordance with the FDA (CDRH) Laser Notice No. 50, classification is carried out according to the IEC 60825-1 standard.
* 2 This is the value when measuring our standard object (white diffused object).
* 3 The FS of each model is as shown on the right. IL-030: ± 5mm, IL-065: ± 10mm, IL-100: ± 20mm, IL-300: ± 140mm, IL-600: ± 400mm, IL-2000: + 1000mm ~ -1500mm
* 4 Our standard object This is the value when (white diffused object) is measured at a reference distance with a sampling period of 1 ms and an average of 128 times. (2ms for IL-300 / 600, 5ms for IL-2000)
* 5 This is the value when the sampling period is set to 2 ms or 5 ms.



Reference distance


Measured distance


light source


Red semiconductor laser Wavelength: 655nm (visible light)

Laser class

Class 2 laser products (FDA (CDRH) Part1040.10 * 1 , IEC 60825-1)


560 µW

Spot diameter (at reference distance)

Approximately 550 x 1750 µm


± 0.1% of FS (when used at 55-75 mm) * 2 * 3

Repeat accuracy

2µm * 4

Sampling cycle

0.33 / 1/2 / 5ms (4 steps variable)

Operation indicator

Laser flood warning light: green LED, analog range indicator light: orange LED, reference distance indicator light: red / green LED

Temperature characteristics

0.06% of FS / ℃ * 3

Environmental resistance

Protective structure


Pollution degree


Ambient illuminance used

Incandescent lamp: 7,500 lux * 5

Operating ambient temperature

-10 to + 50 ° C (no condensation or freezing)

Operating ambient humidity

35-85% RH (no condensation)

Vibration resistant

10-55 Hz, double amplitude 1.5 mm, X, Y, Z 2 hours in each direction


Body case: PBT, metal part: SUS304, packing: NBR, lens cover: glass, cable: PVC


About 75 g

* 1 In accordance with the FDA (CDRH) Laser Notice No. 50, classification is carried out according to the IEC 60825-1 standard.
* 2 This is the value when measuring our standard object (white diffused object).
* 3 The FS of each model is as shown on the right. IL-030: ± 5mm, IL-065: ± 10mm, IL-100: ± 20mm, IL-300: ± 140mm, IL-600: ± 400mm, IL-2000: + 1000mm ~ -1500mm
* 4 Our standard object This is the value when (white diffused object) is measured at a reference distance with a sampling period of 1 ms and an average of 128 times. (2ms for IL-300 / 600, 5ms for IL-2000)
* 5 This is the value when the sampling period is set to 2 ms or 5 ms.



Reference distance


Measured distance

75-130 mm

light source


Red semiconductor laser Wavelength: 655nm (visible light)

Laser class

Class 2 laser products (FDA (CDRH) Part1040.10 * 1 , IEC 60825-1)


560 µW

Spot diameter (at reference distance)

Approximately 400 x 1350 µm


± 0.15% of FS (when used at 80-120 mm) * 2 * 3

Repeat accuracy

4µm * 4

Sampling cycle

0.33 / 1/2 / 5ms (4 steps variable)

Operation indicator

Laser flood warning light: green LED, analog range indicator light: orange LED, reference distance indicator light: red / green LED

Temperature characteristics

0.06% of FS / ℃ * 3

Environmental resistance

Protective structure


Pollution degree


Ambient illuminance used

Incandescent lamp: 7,500 lux * 5

Operating ambient temperature

-10 to + 50 ° C (no condensation or freezing)

Operating ambient humidity

35-85% RH (no condensation)

Vibration resistant

10-55 Hz, double amplitude 1.5 mm, X, Y, Z 2 hours in each direction


Body case: PBT, metal part: SUS304, packing: NBR, lens cover: glass, cable: PVC


About 75 g

* 1 In accordance with the FDA (CDRH) Laser Notice No. 50, classification is carried out according to the IEC 60825-1 standard.
* 2 This is the value when measuring our standard object (white diffused object).
* 3 The FS of each model is as shown on the right. IL-030: ± 5mm, IL-065: ± 10mm, IL-100: ± 20mm, IL-300: ± 140mm, IL-600: ± 400mm, IL-2000: + 1000mm ~ -1500mm
* 4 Our standard object This is the value when (white diffused object) is measured at a reference distance with a sampling period of 1 ms and an average of 128 times. (2ms for IL-300 / 600, 5ms for IL-2000)
* 5 This is the value when the sampling period is set to 2 ms or 5 ms.




DIN rail mounting

Master unit / slave unit

Master unit

Head compatibility



Minimum display unit

IL-S025, IL-030: 1µm / IL-S065, IL-065, IL-100, IL-S100: 2µm / IL-300: 10µm / IL-600: 50µm / IL-2000: 100µm

Display range

IL-S025 / IL-030 / IL-S065 / IL-065 / IL-S100 / IL-100: ± 99.999 to ± 99 mm (4 levels can be selected)
IL-300 / IL-600: ± 999.99 mm to ± 999 mm ( 3 levels can be selected)
IL-2000: ± 9999.9 to ± 9999 mm (2 levels can be selected)

Display cycle

Approximately 10 times / sec

Analog voltage output

± 5V, 1-5V, 0-5V Output impedance 100Ω * 1

Analog current output

4-20mA Maximum load resistance 350Ω * 1

Control input

Bank switching input

No voltage input * 2

Zero shift input

Flood stop input

Timing input

Reset input

Control output

Judgment output

Open collector output (NPN, PNP switchable, NO, NC switchable) * 3

Alarm output

Open collector output (NPN, PNP switchable / NC) * 3

Power supply

Power-supply voltage

DC10-30 V Ripple (PP) 10% included, Class2 * 4

power consumption

2300mW or less (at 30V, 77mA or less)

Environmental resistance

Pollution degree


Operating ambient temperature

-10 to + 50 ° C (no condensation or freezing)

Operating ambient humidity

35-85% RH (no condensation)

Vibration resistant

10-55 Hz, double amplitude 1.5 mm, X, Y, Z 2 hours in each direction


Body case / front sheet: Polycarbonate, Key top: Polyacetal, Cable: PVC


Approximately 150 g (including accessories)

* 1 Select and use any of ± 5V, 1-5V, 0-5V, and 4-20mA.
* 2 Use any input assigned to 4 external input lines.
* 3・ Maximum NPN open collector output rating is 50mA / ch (20mA / ch when adding a slave unit) 30V or less Residual voltage 1V or less (1.5V or less when adding 6 or more units including the master unit)
・ PNP open collector output The maximum rating is 50mA / ch (20mA / ch when adding a slave unit) Power supply voltage or less Residual voltage 2V or less (2.5V or less when adding 6 or more units including the master unit)
* 4 Power supply voltage when adding 6 or more units Please use at 20 to 30V.




DIN rail mounting

Master unit / slave unit

Cordless handset

Head compatibility



Minimum display unit

IL-S025, IL-030: 1µm / IL-S065, IL-065, IL-100, IL-S100: 2µm / IL-300: 10µm / IL-600: 50µm / IL-2000: 100µm

Display range

IL-S025 / IL-030 / IL-S065 / IL-065 / IL-S100 / IL-100: ± 99.999 to ± 99 mm (4 levels can be selected)
IL-300 / IL-600: ± 999.99 mm to ± 999 mm ( 3 levels can be selected)
IL-2000: ± 9999.9 to ± 9999 mm (2 levels can be selected)

Display cycle

Approximately 10 times / sec

Analog voltage output


Analog current output

Control input

Bank switching input

No voltage input * 1

Zero shift input

Flood stop input

Timing input

Reset input

Control output

Judgment output

Open collector output (NPN, PNP switchable, NO, NC switchable) * 2

Alarm output

Open collector output (NPN, PNP switchable / NC) * 2

Power supply

Power-supply voltage

Supplied from the base unit * 3

power consumption

2000mW or less (at 30V, 67mA or less)

Environmental resistance

Pollution degree


Operating ambient temperature

-10 to + 50 ° C (no condensation or freezing)

Operating ambient humidity

35-85% RH (no condensation)

Vibration resistant

10-55 Hz, double amplitude 1.5 mm, X, Y, Z 2 hours in each direction


Body case / front sheet: Polycarbonate, Key top: Polyacetal, Cable: PVC


Approximately 140 g (including accessories)

* 1 Use any input assigned to 4 external input lines.
* 2・ Maximum NPN open collector output rating is 50mA / ch (20mA / ch when adding a slave unit) 30V or less Residual voltage 1V or less (1.5V or less when adding 6 or more units including the master unit)
・ PNP open collector output The maximum rating is 50mA / ch (20mA / ch when adding a slave unit) Power supply voltage or less Residual voltage 2V or less (2.5V or less when adding 6 or more units including the master unit)
* 3 Power supply voltage when adding 6 or more units Please use at 20 to 30V.




Panel mounting

Master unit / slave unit

Master unit

Head compatibility



Minimum display unit

IL-S025, IL-030: 1µm / IL-S065, IL-065, IL-100, IL-S100: 2µm / IL-300: 10µm / IL-600: 50µm / IL-2000: 100µm

Display range

IL-S025 / IL-030 / IL-S065 / IL-065 / IL-S100 / IL-100: ± 99.999 to ± 99 mm (4 levels can be selected)
IL-300 / IL-600: ± 999.99 mm to ± 999 mm ( 3 levels can be selected)
IL-2000: ± 9999.9 to ± 9999 mm (2 levels can be selected)

Display cycle

Approximately 10 times / sec

Analog voltage output

± 5V, 1-5V, 0-5V Output impedance 100Ω * 1

Analog current output

4-20mA Maximum load resistance 350Ω * 1

Control input

Bank switching input

No voltage input * 2

Zero shift input

Flood stop input

Timing input

Reset input

Control output

Judgment output

Open collector output (NPN, PNP switchable, NO, NC switchable) * 3

Alarm output

Open collector output (NPN, PNP switchable / NC) * 3

Power supply

Power-supply voltage

DC10-30 V Ripple (PP) 10% included, Class2 * 4

power consumption

2500mW or less (at 30V, 84mA or less)

Environmental resistance

Pollution degree


Operating ambient temperature

-10 to + 50 ° C (no condensation or freezing)

Operating ambient humidity

35-85% RH (no condensation)

Vibration resistant

10-55 Hz, double amplitude 1.5 mm, X, Y, Z 2 hours in each direction


Body case / front sheet: Polycarbonate, Key top: Polyacetal, Cable: PVC


Approximately 170 g (including accessories)

* 1 Select and use any of ± 5V, 1-5V, 0-5V, and 4-20mA.
* 2 Use any input assigned to 4 external input lines.
* 3・ Maximum NPN open collector output rating is 50mA / ch (20mA / ch when adding a slave unit) 30V or less Residual voltage 1V or less (1.5V or less when adding 6 or more units including the master unit)
・ PNP open collector output The maximum rating is 50mA / ch (20mA / ch when adding a slave unit) Power supply voltage or less Residual voltage 2V or less (2.5V or less when adding 6 or more units including the master unit)
* 4 Power supply voltage when adding 6 or more units Please use at 20 to 30V.





Panel mounting

Master unit / slave unit

Cordless handset

Head compatibility



Minimum display unit

IL-S025, IL-030: 1µm / IL-S065, IL-065, IL-100, IL-S100: 2µm / IL-300: 10µm / IL-600: 50µm / IL-2000: 100µm

Display range

IL-S025 / IL-030 / IL-S065 / IL-065 / IL-S100 / IL-100: ± 99.999 to ± 99 mm (4 levels can be selected)
IL-300 / IL-600: ± 999.99 mm to ± 999 mm ( 3 levels can be selected)
IL-2000: ± 9999.9 to ± 9999 mm (2 levels can be selected)

Display cycle

Approximately 10 times / sec

Analog voltage output


Analog current output

Control input

Bank switching input

No voltage input * 1

Zero shift input

Flood stop input

Timing input

Reset input

Control output

Judgment output

Open collector output (NPN, PNP switchable, NO, NC switchable) * 2

Alarm output

Open collector output (NPN, PNP switchable / NC) * 2

Power supply

Power-supply voltage

Supplied from the base unit * 3

power consumption

2200mW or less (at 30V, 74mA or less)

Environmental resistance

Pollution degree


Operating ambient temperature

-10 to + 50 ° C (no condensation or freezing)

Operating ambient humidity

35-85% RH (no condensation)

Vibration resistant

10-55 Hz, double amplitude 1.5 mm, X, Y, Z 2 hours in each direction


Body case / front sheet: Polycarbonate, Key top: Polyacetal, Cable: PVC


Approximately 160 g (including accessories)

* 1 Use any input assigned to 4 external input lines.
* 2・ Maximum NPN open collector output rating is 50mA / ch (20mA / ch when adding a slave unit) 30V or less Residual voltage 1V or less (1.5V or less when adding 6 or more units including the master unit)
・ PNP open collector output The maximum rating is 50mA / ch (20mA / ch when adding a slave unit) Power supply voltage or less Residual voltage 2V or less (2.5V or less when adding 6 or more units including the master unit)
* 3 Power supply voltage when adding 6 or more units Please use at 20 to 30V.


IL-2000 * 1

Reference distance


Measured distance


light source


Red semiconductor laser Wavelength: 655nm (visible light)

Laser class

Class 2 laser products (FDA (CDRH) Part1040.10 * 2 , IEC 60825-1)


560 µW

Spot diameter (at reference distance)

Approximately 1400 x 7000 µm


± 0.16% of FS (when used at 1000 to 3500 mm) * 3 * 4

Repeat accuracy

100µm * 5

Sampling cycle

0.33 / 1/2 / 5ms (4 steps variable)

Operation indicator

Laser flood warning light: green LED, analog range indicator light: orange LED, reference distance indicator light: red / green LED

Temperature characteristics

0.016% of FS / ℃ * 4

Environmental resistance

Protective structure


Pollution degree


Ambient illuminance used

Incandescent lamp: 10,000 lux * 6

Operating ambient temperature

-10 to + 50 ° C (no condensation or freezing)

Operating ambient humidity

35-85% RH (no condensation)

Vibration resistant

10-55 Hz, double amplitude 1.5 mm, X, Y, Z 2 hours in each direction


Body case: PBT, metal part: SUS304, packing: NBR, lens cover: glass, cable: PVC


About 350 g

* 1 Cannot be used with amplifier units purchased before August 8, 2012
* 2 Classified according to IEC60825-1 according to the provisions of Laser Notice No.50 of FDA (CDRH). doing.
* 3 This is the value when measuring our standard object (white diffused object).
* 4 The FS of each model is as shown on the right. IL-030: ± 5mm, IL-065: ± 10mm, IL-100: ± 20mm, IL-300: ± 140mm, IL-600: ± 400mm, IL-2000: + 1000mm ~ -1500mm
* 5 Our standard object This is the value when (white diffused object) is measured at a reference distance with a sampling period of 1 ms and an average of 128 times. (2ms for IL-300 / 600, 5ms for IL-2000)
* 6 This is the value when the sampling period is set to 2 ms or 5 ms.



Reference distance


Measured distance


light source


Red semiconductor laser Wavelength: 655nm (visible light)

Laser class

Class 2 laser products (FDA (CDRH) Part1040.10 * 1 , IEC 60825-1)


560 µW

Spot diameter (at reference distance)

Approximately ø500 µm


± 0.25% of FS (when used at 160-440 mm) * 2 * 3

Repeat accuracy

30µm * 4

Sampling cycle

0.33 / 1/2 / 5ms (4 steps variable)

Operation indicator

Laser flood warning light: green LED, analog range indicator light: orange LED, reference distance indicator light: red / green LED

Temperature characteristics

0.08% of FS / ℃ * 3

Environmental resistance

Protective structure


Pollution degree


Ambient illuminance used

Incandescent lamp: 5,000 lux * 5

Operating ambient temperature

-10 to + 50 ° C (no condensation or freezing)

Operating ambient humidity

35-85% RH (no condensation)

Vibration resistant

10-55 Hz, double amplitude 1.5 mm, X, Y, Z 2 hours in each direction


Body case: PBT, metal part: SUS304, packing: NBR, lens cover: glass, cable: PVC


About 135 g

* 1 In accordance with the FDA (CDRH) Laser Notice No. 50, classification is carried out according to the IEC 60825-1 standard.
* 2 This is the value when measuring our standard object (white diffused object).
* 3 The FS of each model is as shown on the right. IL-030: ± 5mm, IL-065: ± 10mm, IL-100: ± 20mm, IL-300: ± 140mm, IL-600: ± 400mm, IL-2000: + 1000mm ~ -1500mm
* 4 Our standard object This is the value when (white diffused object) is measured at a reference distance with a sampling period of 1 ms and an average of 128 times. (2ms for IL-300 / 600, 5ms for IL-2000)
* 5 This is the value when the sampling period is set to 2 ms or 5 ms.



Reference distance


Measured distance


light source


Red semiconductor laser Wavelength: 655nm (visible light)

Laser class

Class 2 laser products (FDA (CDRH) Part1040.10 * 1 , IEC 60825-1)


560 µW

Spot diameter (at reference distance)

Approximately ø1600µm


± 0.25% of FS (when used at 200 to 600 mm) * 2 * 3
± 0.5% of FS (when used at 200 to 1000 mm) * 2 * 3

Repeat accuracy

50µm * 4

Sampling cycle

0.33 / 1/2 / 5ms (4 steps variable)

Operation indicator

Laser flood warning light: green LED, analog range indicator light: orange LED, reference distance indicator light: red / green LED

Temperature characteristics

0.08% of FS / ℃ * 3

Environmental resistance

Protective structure


Pollution degree


Ambient illuminance used

Incandescent lamp: 5,000 lux * 5

Operating ambient temperature

-10 to + 50 ° C (no condensation or freezing)

Operating ambient humidity

35-85% RH (no condensation)

Vibration resistant

10-55 Hz, double amplitude 1.5 mm, X, Y, Z 2 hours in each direction


Body case: PBT, metal part: SUS304, packing: NBR, lens cover: glass, cable: PVC


About 135 g

* 1 In accordance with the FDA (CDRH) Laser Notice No. 50, classification is carried out according to the IEC 60825-1 standard.
* 2 This is the value when measuring our standard object (white diffused object).
* 3 The FS of each model is as shown on the right. IL-030: ± 5mm, IL-065: ± 10mm, IL-100: ± 20mm, IL-300: ± 140mm, IL-600: ± 400mm, IL-2000: + 1000mm ~ -1500mm
* 4 Our standard object This is the value when (white diffused object) is measured at a reference distance with a sampling period of 1 ms and an average of 128 times. (2ms for IL-300 / 600, 5ms for IL-2000)
* 5 This is the value when the sampling period is set to 2 ms or 5 ms.



Reference distance


Measured distance


light source


Red semiconductor laser Wavelength: 655nm (visible light)

Laser class

Class 2 laser products (FDA (CDRH) Part1040.10 * 1 , IEC 60825-1)


560 µW

Spot diameter (at reference distance)

Approximately ø1600µm


± 0.25% of FS (when used at 200 to 600 mm) * 2 * 3
± 0.5% of FS (when used at 200 to 1000 mm) * 2 * 3

Repeat accuracy

50µm * 4

Sampling cycle

0.33 / 1/2 / 5ms (4 steps variable)

Operation indicator

Laser flood warning light: green LED, analog range indicator light: orange LED, reference distance indicator light: red / green LED

Temperature characteristics

0.08% of FS / ℃ * 3

Environmental resistance

Protective structure


Pollution degree


Ambient illuminance used

Incandescent lamp: 5,000 lux * 5

Operating ambient temperature

-10 to + 50 ° C (no condensation or freezing)

Operating ambient humidity

35-85% RH (no condensation)

Vibration resistant

10-55 Hz, double amplitude 1.5 mm, X, Y, Z 2 hours in each direction


Body case: PBT, metal part: SUS304, packing: NBR, lens cover: glass, cable: PVC


About 135 g

* 1 In accordance with the FDA (CDRH) Laser Notice No. 50, classification is carried out according to the IEC 60825-1 standard.
* 2 This is the value when measuring our standard object (white diffused object).
* 3 The FS of each model is as shown on the right. IL-030: ± 5mm, IL-065: ± 10mm, IL-100: ± 20mm, IL-300: ± 140mm, IL-600: ± 400mm, IL-2000: + 1000mm ~ -1500mm
* 4 Our standard object This is the value when (white diffused object) is measured at a reference distance with a sampling period of 1 ms and an average of 128 times. (2ms for IL-300 / 600, 5ms for IL-2000)
* 5 This is the value when the sampling period is set to 2 ms or 5 ms.


IL-S025 * 1

Reference distance


Measured distance


light source


Red semiconductor laser Wavelength: 655nm (visible light)

Laser class

Class 2 laser products (FDA (CDRH) Part1040.10 * 2 , IEC 60825-1)


560 µW

Spot diameter (at reference distance)

Approximately 25 x 1200 µm


± 0.075% of F.S. (when used at 20 to 25 mm) * 3 * 4
± 0.1% of F.S. (when used at 20 to 30 mm) * 3 * 4

Repeat accuracy

1µm * 5

Sampling cycle

0.33 / 1/2 / 5ms (4 steps variable)

Operation indicator

Laser flood warning light: green LED, analog range indicator light: orange LED, reference distance indicator light: red / green LED

Temperature characteristics

0.03% of F.S./ ℃ * 4

Environmental resistance

Protective structure


Pollution degree


Ambient illuminance used

Incandescent lamp: 10,000 lux * 6

Operating ambient temperature

-10 to + 50 ° C (no condensation or freezing)

Operating ambient humidity

35-85% RH (no condensation)

Vibration resistant

10-55 Hz, double amplitude 1.5 mm, X, Y, Z 2 hours in each direction


Body case: PBT, metal part: SUS304, packing: NBR, lens cover: glass, cable: PVC


About 60 g

* 1 Cannot be used with amplifier units purchased before December 21, 2010
* 2 Classified according to IEC60825-1 standards in accordance with FDA (CDRH) Laser Notice No.50. I am.
* 3 This is the value when measuring our standard object (white diffused object).
* 4 The FS of each model is as shown on the right. IL-S025: ± 5mm, IL-S065: ± 10mm, IL-S100: ± 30mm
* 5 Values ​​when our standard object (white diffused object) is measured at a reference distance with a sampling period of 1 ms and an average of 128 times. is.
* 6 Value when the sampling period is set to 2 ms or 5 ms.


IL-S065 * 1

Reference distance


Measured distance


light source


Red semiconductor laser Wavelength: 655nm (visible light)

Laser class

Class 2 laser products (FDA (CDRH) Part1040.10 * 2 , IEC 60825-1)


560 µW

Spot diameter (at reference distance)

Approximately 55 x 1700 µm


± 0.05% of F.S. (when used at 55-65 mm) * 3 * 4
± 0.075% of F.S. (when used at 55-75 mm) * 3 * 4

Repeat accuracy

2µm * 5

Sampling cycle

0.33 / 1/2 / 5ms (4 steps variable)

Operation indicator

Laser flood warning light: green LED, analog range indicator light: orange LED, reference distance indicator light: red / green LED

Temperature characteristics

0.02% of F.S./ ℃ * 4

Environmental resistance

Protective structure


Pollution degree


Ambient illuminance used

Incandescent lamp: 10,000 lux * 6

Operating ambient temperature

-10 to + 50 ° C (no condensation or freezing)

Operating ambient humidity

35-85% RH (no condensation)

Vibration resistant

10-55 Hz, double amplitude 1.5 mm, X, Y, Z 2 hours in each direction


Body case: PBT, metal part: SUS304, packing: NBR, lens cover: glass, cable: PVC


About 75 g

* 1 Cannot be used with amplifier units purchased before December 21, 2010
* 2 Classified according to IEC60825-1 standards in accordance with FDA (CDRH) Laser Notice No.50. I am.
* 3 This is the value when measuring our standard object (white diffused object).
* 4 The FS of each model is as shown on the right. IL-S025: ± 5mm, IL-S065: ± 10mm, IL-S100: ± 30mm
* 5 Values ​​when our standard object (white diffused object) is measured at a reference distance with a sampling period of 1 ms and an average of 128 times. is.
* 6 Value when the sampling period is set to 2 ms or 5 ms.

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