KEYENCE BL-1300 Serisi Sınıfının Paralel Dijital İşleme Teknolojisi Kullanan İlk Okuyucuları
  • Yüksek tarama hızı: 1300 tarama/sn.
  • Yüksek çözünürlük: 0.08mm (0.003”)
  • Düşük nitelikli kodlarda benzersiz okuma kabiliyeti
Ultra kompakt dijital barkod okuyucular

Sınıfının paralel dijital işleme teknolojisi kullanan ilk ürünleri. Parazit azaltma ve telafi etme fonksiyonları yalnızca geleneksel analog devrelerin okuma zorluklarının üstesinden gelen dijital işleme ile mümkündür.

Yüksek Hız

  • 1300 tarama/sn. hızında %100 benzersiz kod çözme [Yüksek hız]
  • Yeni yüksek hızlı motor (önceki modelden 2,6 kat daha hızlı) ve yüksek hızlı işleme teknolojisi (HPPE).
  • *HPPE = Hi-Speed Parallel Processing Engine (Yüksek hızlı paralel işleme teknolojisi)

Yüksek Performans

  • Yeni dijital işlemci çok düşük kaliteli kodları okuyabilir [Yüksek performans]
  • Yeni kenar algılama işlemi, okuması en zor kodlarda bile çizgi ve boşluklar arasındaki geçiş noktalarını en doğru şekilde yakalarken, dijital teknoloji sayesinde farklı geniş/dar oranlarının okunabilmesine imkan sağlar.

Test Modu Butonu

  • BL-1300 Serisi modellerinde barkod okuyucu üzerinde test modunu başlatan bir buton bulunur.
  • [Test modu]
    Okuma oranı ölçüm modu
    Döngü süresi ölçüm modu
    Barkod pozisyon ölçüm modu [YENİ]

Okuma oranı ölçüm modu

Test sonucunu gösterir.

Yüksek hızlı motor performansını en üst düzeye çıkarır – HPPE

1300 tarama/ saniyede 1300 kod çözme

1) Yeni yüksek hızlı motor ve alıcı lens

BL-1300 Serisi modelleri, önceki modellere göre 2,6 kat daha hızlı motoru sayesinde saniyede 1300 tarama yapmaya ve 1300 kod çözmeye imkan sağlıyor. Keyence’in geliştirdiği yuvarlak lens alınan ışık yoğunluğunu (okunan kaynaktaki) iki katına çıkarır, paraziti azaltır ve etiketin verimli şekilde okunabilmesi için gereken mesafeyi arttırır.

2) Yüksek hızlı işleme devresi

BL-1300 Serisi modellerinde bulunan yeni HPPE*, önceki modellere göre bilgi işleme kapasitesini 100 kat arttırarak, okuma performansını yüksek hızlı ve yüksek hassasiyetli hale getirir.

*HPPE···Hi-Speed Parallel Processing Engine (Yüksek hızlı paralel işleme teknolojisi)

[3] IP-65 Ortam dayanıklılığı

Döküm magnezyum gövdesi BL-1300 Serisini olumsuz ortam koşulları ve kire dayanıklı hale getirirken, her yere monte edilebilir ve her türlü ekipman ile birlikte kullanılabilir.


Keyence BL1300 – 1D Barkod Okuyucu

Teknik Özellikler




Standard type


Reading direction


Scan method



light source

Visible light semiconductor laser (wavelength 660 nm)


85 µW

pulse width

112 µs

Laser class

Class 2 laser products (JIS C6802)


Corresponding code

CODE39, ITF, Industrial2of5, Standard2of5, COOP2of5, NW-7, CODE128, GS1-128, CODE93, JAN / EAN / UPC, GS1 DataBa

Number of digits read

74 digits (148 digits for CODE 128 start character C)

Read bar width

0.125 mm ~

Reading distance

65-500 mm * 1 (narrow bar width 1.0 mm)

Focal length

120 mm

Maximum read label width

339 mm * 1 (distance 350 mm, narrow bar width 1.0 mm)


0.4 or above

Number of scans

500 to 1,300 scans / second (100 scan units)

Input / output specifications

Input terminal


2 points (IN1, 2)

Input format

No voltage input

Output terminal


4 points (OUT1, 2, 3, 4)

Output form

NPN open collector

Rated load

DC 24 V, 30 mA

Leakage current when OFF

0.1 mA or less

Residual voltage when ON

0.5 V or less

Serial interface

Communication method

EIA RS-232C compliant

communication speed

600, 1,200, 2,400, 4,800, 9,600, 19,200, 31,250, 38,400, 57,600, 115,200 bps

Synchronous method

Synchronous pace

Data bit length

7/8 bit

Stop bit length

1/2 bit

Parity check

None / odd / even


Power-supply voltage

DC 5 V ± 5%

Voltage consumption

400 mA or less

Environmental resistance

Protective structure


Ambient illuminance used

Sunlight: 10,000 lux, incandescent lamp: 6,000 lux

Operating ambient temperature

0 to + 45 ° C

Storage ambient temperature

-20 to + 60 ℃

Operating ambient humidity

35-85% RH (no condensation)


No dust or corrosive gas

Vibration resistant

10-55 Hz, double amplitude 1.5 mm, X, Y, Z 2 hours in each direction


About 115 g

* 1 Specifications at 500 scans / second-To
comply with UL / IEC60950-1, use the Limited Power Source specified in UL / IEC60950-1.
-The internal settings of the main unit are written to the internal storage area. (Rewritable 100,000 times)




Standard type


Reading direction


Scan method



light source

Visible light semiconductor laser (wavelength 660 nm)


85 µW

pulse width

112 µs

Laser class

Class 2 laser products (JIS C6802)


Corresponding code

CODE39, ITF, Industrial2of5, Standard2of5, COOP2of5, NW-7, CODE128, GS1-128, CODE93, JAN / EAN / UPC, GS1 DataBa

Number of digits read

74 digits (148 digits for CODE 128 start character C)

Read bar width

0.125 mm ~

Reading distance

65-500 mm * 1 (narrow bar width 1.0 mm)

Focal length

120 mm

Maximum read label width

339 mm * 1 (distance 350 mm, narrow bar width 1.0 mm)


0.4 or above

Number of scans

500 to 1,300 scans / second (100 scan units)

Input / output specifications

Input terminal


2 points (IN1, 2)

Input format

No voltage input

Output terminal


4 points (OUT1, 2, 3, 4)

Output form

NPN open collector

Rated load

DC 24 V, 30 mA

Leakage current when OFF

0.1 mA or less

Residual voltage when ON

0.5 V or less

Serial interface

Communication method

EIA RS-232C compliant

communication speed

600, 1,200, 2,400, 4,800, 9,600, 19,200, 31,250, 38,400, 57,600, 115,200 bps

Synchronous method

Synchronous pace

Data bit length

7/8 bit

Stop bit length

1/2 bit

Parity check

None / odd / even


Power-supply voltage

DC 5 V ± 5%

Voltage consumption

400 mA or less

Environmental resistance

Protective structure


Ambient illuminance used

Sunlight: 10,000 lux, incandescent lamp: 6,000 lux

Operating ambient temperature

0 to + 45 ° C

Storage ambient temperature

-20 to + 60 ℃

Operating ambient humidity

35-85% RH (no condensation)


No dust or corrosive gas

Vibration resistant

10-55 Hz, double amplitude 1.5 mm, X, Y, Z 2 hours in each direction


About 115 g

* 1 Specifications at 500 scans / second-To
comply with UL / IEC60950-1, use the Limited Power Source specified in UL / IEC60950-1.
-The internal settings of the main unit are written to the internal storage area. (Rewritable 100,000 times)




Standard type

Reading direction


Scan method


light source


Visible light semiconductor laser (wavelength 655 nm)

Maximum output

85 µW

pulse width

112 µs


Class 2 laser product (JIS C6802)

Reading distance

(narrow width 1.0mm)

Read bar width

0.19 to 1.0 mm
* For CODE93 and CODE128
, 0.25 to 1.0 mm * 1

Maximum read label width

(reading distance 280mm) * 2


0.6 or more (white reflectance 75% or more)

Number of scans

500 scans / sec

Corresponding code

CODE39, ITF, Industrial 2 of 5, COOP 2 of 5, NW-7, CODE128, GS1-128, CODE93, JAN / EAN / UPC (A ・ E)

Number of digits read

Maximum 32 digits * 3

Timing input

Non-voltage input (contact, non-contact) * TTL input is also possible

Serial interface

Applicable standards

RS-232C compliant

Synchronous method

Synchronous pace

Transmission code

ASCII code

baud rate

600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 31250, 38400 bit / s

Data length

7 / 8bit

Parity check

None / even / odd

Stop bit length

1 / 2bit

OK / NG output

Output form

NPN open collector

Rated load

DC24V, 30mA

Leakage current when OFF

0.1mA or less

Residual voltage when ON

0.5V or less


Power-supply voltage

DC 5 V ± 5%

Current consumption

330 mA or less

Environmental resistance

Protective structure


Ambient illuminance used

Sunlight: 10,000 lux, incandescent lamp: 6,000 lux

Operating ambient temperature

0 to + 45 ° C

Operating ambient humidity

35-85% RH (no condensation)


No dust or corrosive gas

Vibration resistant

10-55 Hz, double amplitude 1.5 mm, X, Y, Z 2 hours in each direction


About 115 g

* 1 The reading bar width indicates the reading range of the narrow bar width (narrow bar width) of the barcode.
* 2 The read label width includes the quiet zone (margin) of the barcode.
* 3 If the barcode type is CODE128 and the start character is CODE-C, the maximum number of digits is 64.



light source


Visible light semiconductor laser (wavelength 650 nm)

Maximum output

350 µW

pulse width

1.5 ms

Laser class

Class 1 laser product (JIS C6802)


(for connecting our products)

Corresponding code

JAN / EAN / UPC (A, E)
, CODE39, CODE128 / GS1-128 (EAN-128), NW-7, CODE93, ITF, 2of5, GS1-DataBar (RSS)

Number of scans

72 scans / sec

Minimum resolution

0.125 mm or more

Reading distance

0 to 178 mm (when narrow width 0.66 mm)


0.35 or more

Number of digits read

Maximum 40 digits (80 digits for CODE128 CODE-C)

Wired communication department

Connector shape

D-Sub 9 pin (female)


Class B


Power-supply voltage

DC 5 V ± 5%

Current consumption

200 mA or less

Environmental resistance

Ambient illuminance used

4,800 lux

Operating ambient temperature

0 to + 40 ° C

Operating ambient humidity

35-85% RH (no condensation)


No dust or corrosive gas


About 101 g



Conversion interface

Connectable barcode reader

BL-1300 / 700/180, SR-700 * 1 , RF- 500 * 2

Leader port


1 point (D-Sub 9-pin connector)

Power supply for cord reader

DC5V ± 5% (630mA)

Communication method


Output interface

Input / output terminal

Input terminal



Input rating

DC15 ~ 26V, maximum 10mA

Maximum OFF current value


Output terminal


2 points

Output form

NPN open collector

Output rating

DC30V, 100mA

Leakage current when OFF

0.1mA or less

Residual voltage when ON

1V or less

Power supply for sensor


Power-supply voltage

DC 24 V + 10%, -20%

power consumption

Current consumption

250 mA or less

Environmental resistance

Operating ambient temperature

0 to + 50 ° C

Operating ambient humidity

35-85% RH (no condensation)


No dust or corrosive gas

Vibration resistant

10-55 Hz, double amplitude 1.5 mm, X, Y, Z 2 hours in each direction


About 80 g

* 1 When connecting BL-1300 and SR-700, conversion cable OP-80616 is required. (Sold separately) Communication baud rate is limited to 38400bps or less.
* 2 When connecting the RF-500 series, the conversion cable RF-CM2D is required. (Sold separately) Communication baud rate is limited to 38

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