KEYENCE LJ-G 5000 | 2D Deplasman sensörleri

Tek atışta yükseklik/genişlik ölçümü

  • KEYENCE LJ-G 5000 Hedef yüzey profillerini X ve Z eksenlerinde doğru şekilde ölçer. 28 ölçüm moduyla yükseklik, genişlik ya da yüzey profilindeki boşluk ölçülebilir. 
  • 8 noktada eş zamanlı ölçüm yapılabilir. 
  • E3-CMOS görüntü sensörü sayesinde ölçümler doğru şekilde yapılır.
  • Dörtlü bağlantı sistemi sınıfındaki en yüksek örnekleme hızına sahiptir: 3,8 ms.
  • 3,8 ms yüksek hızlı örnekleme, yüksek tutarlılık oranı: %±0,1
  • Basit ayar menüsü (Sınıfında ilk)
Çevrimiçi ölçüm için 2D Deplasman sensörü
2D Ölçüm için Yenilikçi Performans Sunan İleri Teknoloji

LJ-G Serisi 2D yüzey profillerini doğru şekilde ve yüksek hızda algılar.
Çeşitli hedefleri çevrimiçi olarak ölçebilir/değerlendirebilir. Kullanımı kolaydır. LJ-G Serisi ileri teknoloji ürünüdür.

Basit Ayarlama Menüsü

Acemi kullanıcılar bile bu basit menüyü kolayca kullanabilirler.
İçerdiği yazılım sayesinde PC üzerinden kullanımı da kolay hale getirilmiştir.

Yüksek Doğruluk Oranına Sahip Ölçümler

KEYENCE lazer deplasman teknolojisi 2D için optimize edilmiştir.
Bu benzersiz teknikler yüksek doğruluk oranına sahip ölçüm yapabilmeyi sağlar.

Ölçüm Prensibi

2D Üçgenleme Methodu

Lazer ışığı, silindirik lensler tarafından bant şeklinde genişletilerek hedef nesne üzerine dağınık biçimde yansıtılır. Yansıtılan ışık E3-CMOS üzerine odaklanarak hedef deplasmanın ya da profilin ölçümünü yapar.

LJ-G E3-CMOS Görüntü Sensörü Sayesinde Her Şeyi Ölçebilir

Yapay görme için geliştirilmiş olan E3-CMOS görüntü sensörü geleneksel sensörlere göre 300 kat daha geniş dinamik alana ve güvenilir sinyal-parazit oranına sahiptir.
Bu sayede siyah lastik (zayıf yansımaya sahip) ve metal (güçlü yansımaya sahip) gibi nesnelerin ölçümü mümkün olur.

*E3-CMOS sensörü: Gelişmiş yapay görme C-MOS görüntü sensörü

Lazer Işığının Yansıması

Işık Yoğunluğu

Profil Ölçümü

MFL Kuvvetini Hedefe Göre Optimize Eder


MFL hedef yüzeyi algılayarak lazer kuvvetini optimize eder.
E3-CMOS dinamik aralığı geleneksel aralıktan 300 kat daha geniştir. Optimize edilen lazer kuvveti hedefleri her koşulda okuyabilir.
*MFL: Multi Flexible Logic

Yüksek Doğruluk Oranına Sahip 2D Ernoster Lens

Işık alıcı lens ünitesi, yansıtılan 2D lazer ışığını hatasız okuyabilecek şekilde yeniden tasarlanmıştır.
Ernostar lens, görüntünün sapmasını azaltan dört adet lensten oluşur. Görüntüdeki sapmanın azaltılması daha doğru 2D profil yakalanmasını sağlar.

Çok Fonksiyonlu Kumanda Tüm İhtiyaçları Karşılar


PC ile Kolay Kurulum ve Analiz

Kurulum destek yazılımı: LJ-Navigator (LJ-H1W)
Opsiyonel yazılımı sayesinde ayarlar kolayca yapılır, veriler saklanabilir ve PC üzerinden analiz edilebilir.

3.8 ms örnekleme hızlı dörtlü bağlantı sistemi
Kumandada hesaplama işlemi için dört aritmetik çip bulunur.
Dörtlü bağlantı sistemi dört işlemi eş zamanlı olarak yürüterek 3.8 ms örnekleme hızına ulaşır.
Bu sayede üretim hatlarında daha hızlı ölçüm yapılabilir.

Veri saklama için geniş kapasiteli hafıza [Sınıfının en büyüğü]
Kumanda içinde geniş kapasiteli hafıza mevcuttur.
Toplu üretilen ürün kayıtlarını tutabilmek için bir hafıza kart slotu vardır.

Birçok ürün türünde başarılı
Kumandada bulunan hafıza 16 programa kadar saklayabilir.
Hafıza kartı kullanıldığında sayı 160 programa kadar çıkabilir ve birçok üründe kullanılabilir.

Profil Saklama

Veri Saklama

Hızlı ve Kolay Ayarlama


Kurulum menüsü acemi kullanıcıların bile zorlanmadan ayar yapabilmelerini sağlayacak şekilde tasarlanmıştır.
Opsiyonel ayarlama destek yazılımı sayesinde PC üzerinden kullanımı da kolaylaştırılmıştır (LJ-H1W).

Ölçüm Menüleri


Ayarlama Fonksiyonu

Tasarım konsepti “Herkes için Kolay”dır. Kolay kullanımlı ayar menüsü sınıfında ilktir. ve farklı uygulamalar için ayarlar eklenmiştir.

Pozisyon Ayarlama Fonksiyonu

Ayarlama sayesinde LJ-G serisi düzgünce konumlanmamış hedeflerde bile tutarlı ölçüm yapılabilir.

Teknik özellikler





Diffuse reflection

Reference distance

80 mm

Measurement range

Z axis (height)

± 23 mm

X axis (width)

Near side

25 mm

Reference distance

32 mm

Far side

39 mm

light source


Red semiconductor laser


655 nm (visible light) Class 2 laser product (JIS C6802)


0.95 mW

Laser class

Class II Laser Product (FDA (CDRH) 21CFR PART1040.10), Class 2 Laser Product (IEC 60825-1)

Spot shape (reference distance)

Approximately 80 µm x 46 mm

Repeat accuracy

Z axis (height)

1 µm * 1 * 2

X axis (width)

10 µm * 1 * 3


Z axis (height)

± 0.1% of FS * 2

Sampling cycle (trigger interval)

3.8 ms * 4

Temperature characteristics

0.02% of FS / ℃

Environmental resistance

Protective structure

IP67 (IEC60529)

Ambient illuminance used

Incandescent lamp / fluorescent lamp: 5,000 lux or less * 5

Operating ambient temperature

0 to + 50 ° C

Operating ambient humidity

35-85% RH (no condensation)

Vibration resistant

10-55 Hz, double amplitude 1.5 mm, X, Y, Z 2 hours in each direction




About 350 g

* 1 Value when measured at an average of 64 times at the reference distance.
* 2 The measurement target is our standard target. The value when the average value of the entire width is measured in the height mode.
* 3 The object to be measured is a ø10 pin gauge. Value when edge is measured in position mode with smoothing 16 times set.
* 4 At the time of initial setting, the minimum measurement range, and one smoothing.
* 5 Illuminance on the light receiving surface of the sensor head when light is applied to the blank paper when measuring blank paper.




Diffuse reflection

Reference distance

200 mm

Measurement range

Z axis (height)

± 48 mm

X axis (width)

Near side

51 mm

Reference distance

62 mm

Far side

73 mm

light source


Red semiconductor laser


655 nm (visible light) Class 2 laser product (JIS C6802)


0.95 mW

Laser class

Class II Laser Product (FDA (CDRH) 21CFR PART1040.10), Class 2 Laser Product (IEC 60825-1)

Spot shape (reference distance)

Approximately 180 µm x 70 mm

Repeat accuracy

Z axis (height)

2 µm * 1 * 2

X axis (width)

20 µm * 1 * 3


Z axis (height)

± 0.1% of FS * 2

Sampling cycle (trigger interval)

3.8 ms * 4

Temperature characteristics

0.02% of FS / ℃

Environmental resistance

Protective structure

IP67 (IEC60529)

Ambient illuminance used

Incandescent lamp / fluorescent lamp: 5,000 lux or less * 5

Operating ambient temperature

0 to + 50 ° C

Operating ambient humidity

35-85% RH (no condensation)

Vibration resistant

10-55 Hz, double amplitude 1.5 mm, X, Y, Z 2 hours in each direction




About 480 g

* 1 Value when measured at an average of 64 times at the reference distance.
* 2 The measurement target is our standard target. The value when the average value of the entire width is measured in the height mode.
* 3 The object to be measured is a ø10 pin gauge. Value when edge is measured in position mode with smoothing 16 times set.
* 4 At the time of initial setting, the minimum measurement range, and one smoothing.
* 5 Illuminance on the light receiving surface of the sensor head when light is applied to the blank paper when measuring blank paper.



Head compatibility


Number of heads connected

MAX 2 units


Minimum display unit

0.1 µm * 1 , 0.001 mm 2 , 0.01 °

Maximum display range

± 99999.9 mm, ± 999999 mm 2 , ± 99999.9 °

Input terminal block

Laser remote interlock input

No voltage input * 2

Trigger input

Voltage input for head A * 2

Timing 1 input

Voltage input * 2

Auto zero 1 input

Reset input

Output terminal block

Analog voltage output

± 10V x 2 output, output impedance 100Ω * 2

Comprehensive judgment output

PNP open collector output * 2

Error output

PNP open collector output (NC) * 2

Processing output

PNP open collector output * 2

Trigger input permission output

PNP open collector output for head A * 2

Correction error output

Expansion connector

Timing 2 input

Voltage input * 2

Auto zero 2 input

Trigger input

Voltage input for head B * 2

Program switching input

Voltage input x 4 inputs * 2

Memory card save input

Voltage input * 2

Laser off input

Voltage input for head A / head B * 2

Judgment / binary output

3-step judgment output: OUT1 to OUT8, comprehensive judgment output, binary output: OUT1 to OUT8, measurement data output (21bit), PNP open collector output * 3 * 2

Strobe output

PNP open collector output * 2

Trigger input permission output

PNP open collector output for head B * 2

Correction error output

Analog RGB monitor output

SVGA (800 x 600 pixels)

RS-232C interface

Measurement data output and control input / output (baud rate can be selected up to 115200 bit / s)

USB interface

USB2.0 HI-SPEED compatible (USB1.1 Full-SPEED compatible)

Ethernet interface


Memory card

Compatible with NR-M1G (1GB) (FAT32)

Main functions

Head-to-head calculation function, profile adjustment function, filter function, smoothing function, averaging function, position correction function, OUT name change function, measurement mode selection (height / position / step / width / center position / cross-sectional area / intersection / angle -Profile comparison / profile tracking) function, scaling function, average function, measurement function, measured value alarm setting function, tolerance setting function, auto zero function, storage (data profile) function, memory card save function, program memory function, trigger mode Change function, mutual interference prevention function, measurement range variable function, tuning setting function, laser light amount adjustment function, sampling time setting function, mask function, profile alarm setting function, tilt correction function, height correction function, display language switching function, setting Support software connection function, trigger interval / measurement time display function, etc.


Power-supply voltage

DC 24 V ± 10%, Ripple (PP) 10% or less

Maximum current consumption

800mA or less when one head is connected / 1A or less when two heads are connected

Environmental resistance

Operating ambient temperature

0 to + 50 ° C

Operating ambient humidity

35-85% RH (no condensation)


Approximately 1,050 g

* 1 When LJ-G015 or LJ-G015K is connected. If any other head is connected, 1 µm is the minimum display unit.
* 2 NPN open collector output rating up to 50mA (30V or less), residual voltage 1V or less PNP open collector output rating up to 50mA (30V or less), residual voltage 1V or less Non-voltage input rating is ON voltage 1V Below, OFF current 0.6mA or less (Trigger input terminal is ON voltage 1V or less, OFF current 1.0mA or less) Voltage input rating is maximum rating 26.4V, ON voltage 10.8V, OFF current 0.6mA (Trigger input terminal is Maximum rating 26.4V, ON voltage 10.8V, OFF current 1.0mA) This is an overseas model. It starts in English display. The attached instruction manual is in English.
* 3 Judgment result or binary measurement data is output in time division.

Ölçüm Nedir?

Webinar: Sensörler gelişen performanslarıyla büyülüyor

2D Profilers give width, height, and volume of sealant beads inline without touching a part.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Conventionally, a vision sensor was used for OK/NG judgment based on the area. Since the LJ-X8000 Series can measure the volume and position of paste application, it can reduce material costs and support higher component densities.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Check the tilt of the elements after bonding. The CL-3000 Series uses the multi-color confocal method that enables coaxial measurement. No matter whether the target surfaces are specular or rough, they can be measured in the same setting, which achieves easy and highly accurate inspection.

Ultra Confocal Displacement Sensor
CL-3000 series

High-speed sensors can measure runout of brake discs, regardless of surface finish.

Confocal Displacement Sensor
CL-3000 series

Measure the extent of foil vibration just before the slit. Even if the target is tilted due to vibration, the good angle characteristics of the CL Series enable stable measurement.

Confocal Displacement Sensor
CL-3000 series

A sensor is placed above and below a target to measure the thickness of anything in-between. This non-contact method can be used for measuring the thickness of any material and can be used in process or for offline inspection.

Confocal Displacement Sensor
CL-3000 series

Ultra-compact ø8 mm heads make it possible to install multiple heads in narrow spaces. This reduces the amount of work spent designing equipment and the number of parts that need to be purchased to measure multiple points in close proximity.

Confocal Displacement Sensor
CL-3000 series

Check step heights on machined parts without influence from oil or other surface contamination.

High-Accuracy Digital Contact Sensor
GT2 series

Measure many points on an engine with a multi-point laser system for accurate characterization of engine vibration. With ultra-highspeed sensors, even the smallest vibrations can be detected.

Ultra High-Speed/High-Accuracy Laser Displacement Sensor
LK-G5000 series

Measure the position and edge flutter of a belt with two 2D laser profile sensors for stable measurement.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Residual vibration measurement is used to determine how much a robot shakes after stopping. When working with a welding torch or other tool, the measurement location may not always have a flat surface. Using a 2D laser profiler enables accurate measurement on a wide range of surface shapes.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Opposing 2D profilers can scan multiple points of thickness over a part. This allows stable thickness measurement even on rough surfaces.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

High-speed thrubeam sensors can measure runout and ovality of rotors accurately and repeatably.

High-speed optical micrometer
LS-9000 series

Measure roller runout using confocal sensors for high stability on reflective surfaces.

Confocal Displacement Sensor
CL-3000 series

Thrubeam micrometers allow for high-speed measurement of wire OD without being affected by vibration.

High-speed optical micrometer
LS-9000 series

2D thrubeam sensors can measure hole diameter after stamping inline.

Telecentric Measurement System
TM-X5000 series

The Telecentric Measurement System uses 2D images of a target's silhouette to measure diameter. Target misalignment or tilt is automatically corrected for, making it simple to get accurate measurement without perfect fixturing.

Telecentric Measurement System
TM-X5000 series

Compressible or rough surfaces can be accurately measured using the 2D image generated by the Telecentric Measurement System. Implementing non-contact measurement eliminates error due to part deformation and any variation in diameter due to surface texture can be averaged over to stabilize results.

Telecentric Measurement System
TM-X5000 series

Compressible or rough surfaces can be accurately measured using the 2D image generated by the Telecentric Measurement System. Implementing non-contact measurement eliminates error due to part deformation and any variation in diameter due to surface texture can be averaged over to stabilize results.

Telecentric Measurement System
TM-X5000 series

Using 2D measurement systems makes it possible to measure the minimum and maximum diameter on a target from a single captured image. The TM-X Series works by capturing the silhouette of a target using a telecentric optical system, so it can accurately measure objects of any material (including clear vials).

Telecentric Measurement System
TM-X5000 series

With an exposure time of just 100 µs, the Telecentric Measurement System can capture clear images of targets moving at high speed. This makes it an ideal solution for accurately measuring diameter inline.

Telecentric Measurement System
TM-X5000 series

With small sensor heads and a mirror fixture, confocal sensors can give an accurate measurement of pipe ID.

Confocal Displacement Sensor
CL-3000 series

High-speed laser displacement sensors can check for valve float without touching the valve head.

Ultra High-Speed/High-Accuracy Laser Displacement Sensor
LK-G5000 series

Measure fine details on touch panels regardless of surface finish with confocal sensors. With a beam spot of 3.5μm, even the smallest features can be measured.

Confocal Displacement Sensor
CL-3000 series

Check outer diameter on machined parts without influence from oil or other surface contamination.

High-Accuracy Digital Contact Sensor
GT2 series

High-speed laser displacement sensors can check for valve float without touching the valve head.

Ultra Confocal Displacement Sensor
CL-3000 series

Profile tire treads and sidewalls with multiple 2D laser profilers.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Inspect for lamination misalignment after winding. With a minimum X-resolution of 2.5 μm 0.000098", the LJ-X8000 Series accurately measures the profile of each electrode.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Provide feedback about disconnected locations in electrodes before lamination. Accurately acquire the profile of electrode terminals to perform high-accuracy inspection of edge locations.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Measure the profile of a wafer edge. By selecting one of the inspection tools such as Height Difference/Width or Angle, users can start measurement easily. The high-resolution image capturing using 3200 points/profile achieves highly accurate profile measurement that was impossible with conventional methods.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Film curvature and wrinkling measurements are performed using a blue laser with a maximum width of 720 mm. Measurement is possible even for transparent targets thanks to the wide dynamic range of the CMOS sensor.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Measure the step height of features on a wafer after etching. With 3D interferometry, mirrored surfaces can be measured accurately.

3D Interference Measurement Sensor
WI-5000 series

Unlike triangulation sensors, interferometers can measure small parts in confined spaces without blind spots or unstable data.

3D Interference Measurement Sensor
WI-5000 series

Using 2D thrubeam sensors, medical balloons can be inspected inline at high-speed.

Telecentric Measurement System
TM-X5000 series

Measure small part dimensions inline with pattern projection measurement heads. Projection from both sides reduces dead zones.

Inline 3D Inspection
3D Vision series

With two thrubeam micrometers installed on either side of a film, we can get a width measurement and give film position, regardless of color or material.

High-speed optical micrometer
LS-9000 series

2D thrubeam sensors can measure the step height between a roller and a sheet to get a thickness measurement. Additionally, A second sensor can be added to get a width measurement.

Telecentric Measurement System
TM-X5000 series

A displacement sensor with an extremely small beam spot of just 3.5 µm can be used for accurate profile measurements of roughness and subtle shapes. 3D shape measurements are also possible through detailed scanning synchronized with the X-Y stage. Measurements with impressive angle characteristics are possible not only for opaque targets but also transparent targets and 3D shapes with mirrored surfaces.

Confocal Displacement Sensor
CL-3000 series

Confocal sensors do not have the dead zones characteristic of triangulation sensors, and can therefore measure into smaller and deeper holes more reliably.

Confocal Displacement Sensor
CL-3000 series

Measure the height of the equipment when adhesive is applied to glass. Utilizing the multi-colour confocal method measurement principle enables high-precision measurement whether the glass is transparent or opaque.

Confocal Displacement Sensor
CL-3000 series

2D Profilers can measure width, height, and volume of sealant beads inline, regardless of surface finish or color.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Detect burrs arising on terminals after electrode slitting. With ultra-high-resolution 3200 points/profile measurement, the LJ-X8000 Series produces stable detection even for minute burrs.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Profile measurement can be continuously performed on captured 3D shapes. This allows pass/fail criteria to be applied to maximum and minimum values over an area or period of time, making it possible to catch small defects in continuous processes.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Free-form planes allow the system to pick up on deviations from the typical contour of a surface.This makes stable defect detection possible, even for targets with complex shapes.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Highly accurate measurements can be made even when measuring targets with height differences or where the distance from the target to the camera could vary.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

2D laser displacement sensors can measure both width and height, allowing for panel gaps to be accurately measured, regardless of the surface finish or color.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Detect chipping or dents in laser welded beads using 3D laser profilers. The measurement is unaffected by color or gloss of the weld, making inspection results stable through glare or bead shape variation.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Using thrubeam sensors, roller position can be accurately measured at high line speeds.

High-speed optical micrometer
LS-9000 series

Targets with multiple materials can be captured in a single profile, allowing measurements to be made between glass and metal surfaces. The LJ-X Series is equipped to handle reflectances ten times higher than conventional products.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

For targets with different diameters, conventional vision systems often have a hard time focusing on the larger and smaller diameter areas at the same time. Measuring the height of the dents with a laser profiler makes it possible to inspect the whole surface at once.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Measure the position and projection of connector terminals simultaneously. Conventionally, two measurement steps were required using an image processing system and a contact sensor. The LJ-X8000 Series can perform both inspections simultaneously. This achieves cost reduction by reducing the amount of installed equipment.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

3D inspection allows users to accurately detect whether components are properly seated in the assembly or if elements are tilted. Using a KEYENCE 2D/3D laser profiler with a blue laser ensures stable measurement, even for targets with varying materials.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Robot teaching is used to ensure tools are set in the specified position. The 2D Telecentric Measurement System enables precise position feedback for end tools and other axial targets.

Telecentric Measurement System
TM-X5000 series

The laser profiler's wide field of view makes it possible to inspect multiple targets traveling on a conveyor belt together. 3D position correction can be used to identify and inspect each cookie within the measurement range, enabling accurate sorting to improve quality and eliminate waste.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Measure the flatness of the terminals of power modules. The target is detected by its surface and the flatness is measured based on the reference plane calculated with the least squares fitting method. The errors caused by the tilted positions of targets can be canceled, which ensures accurate inspection.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Angled mirrors can be used for measurement where installation space is limited. This setup enables position detection of tangent circle coordinates or intersection point coordinates as well as simultaneous shape and dimension verification for wafer notches.

Telecentric Measurement System
TM-X5000 series

Inspect motor height after powder welding using the LJ-X8000 Series. The 3D laser profiler provides reliable 100% inspection with its high speed and measurement stability.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Measure transparent films and coatings with a single displacement sensor. Confocal sensors give an accurate thickness measurement from one side of transparent targets.

Confocal Displacement Sensor
CL-3000 series

In-line thickness measurements can be altered by roller eccentricity, wrinkles, or tension in the sheet. Up to 6 measurement points and 4 layers of clear film can be measured with a single controller.

Confocal Displacement Sensor
CL-3000 series

2D Profilers can measure width, height, and volume of sealant beads inline, regardless of surface finish or color.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Check for press fit failure with contact displacement sensors.

High-Accuracy Digital Contact Sensor
GT2 series

Detect burrs arising on terminals after electrode slitting. With ultra-high-resolution 3200 points/profile measurement, the LJ-X8000 Series produces stable detection even for minute burrs.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Profile measurement can be continuously performed on captured 3D shapes. This allows pass/fail criteria to be applied to maximum and minimum values over an area or period of time, making it possible to catch small defects in continuous processes.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Free-form planes allow the system to pick up on deviations from the typical contour of a surface.This makes stable defect detection possible, even for targets with complex shapes.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Highly accurate measurements can be made even when measuring targets with height differences or where the distance from the target to the camera could vary.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

2D Thrubeam sensors allow high-speed dimensional inspections to be taken on the silhouette of a part.

Telecentric Measurement System
TM-X5000 series

Target positioning is used to ensure the next process is performed accurately. Laser profilers provide stable position feedback anywhere in the measurement range, regardless of target material, color, or size.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Detect chipping or dents in laser welded beads using 3D laser profilers. The measurement is unaffected by color or gloss of the weld, making inspection results stable through glare or bead shape variation.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Targets with multiple materials can be captured in a single profile, allowing measurements to be made between glass and metal surfaces. The LJ-X Series is equipped to handle reflectances ten times higher than conventional products.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

For targets with different diameters, conventional vision systems often have a hard time focusing on the larger and smaller diameter areas at the same time. Measuring the height of the dents with a laser profiler makes it possible to inspect the whole surface at once.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

3D inspection allows users to accurately detect whether components are properly seated in the assembly or if elements are tilted. Using a KEYENCE 2D/3D laser profiler with a blue laser ensures stable measurement, even for targets with varying materials.

2D/3D Laser Profiler
LJ-X8000 series

Pattern Projection Landing Page Katalog

New Era CV-X Katalog Form